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Everything posted by DavCut

  1. Lettering looks great @JoeH! On the road west?
  2. Better to find that now than half way through the trip! Safe travels when you get on your way.
  3. I'll see if I can write this correctly this time @67RModel... The stainless steel dump body with the 71 DM800 under it sold for $14,000. The second 71 DM800 sold for $5,000. The DM600 "parts truck" sold for $1,200. All three, along with a number of the parts lots where sold to "onsite". Maybe a fellow BMT member is scooping them all up and will post about them soon... 🙂 Dave
  4. Looks great @JoeH! When do you head west? You know we are going to need some road trip photos...
  5. Well, at least she had 8 good years. 🙂
  6. I wish they had posted more details/photos of the 71 DM800’s. Looks like their fleet numbers were sequential, would be cool if their serial numbers were sequential too. If only money, time and repair skills were unlimited…
  7. There is another auction posted in the “Equipment and Tools” thread with a pair of 1971 DM800’s in it. One has a stainless dump body on it which if I had to guess is why the bids on it are currently 10x higher than its twin that doesn’t have a body .
  8. Good point @67RModel. Hopefully if the hydroseeder is what they are after the Superliner finds a good home. Did you make it by to check it out Mike @yarnall?
  9. I know it’s been 10 years since the original post @joes mack, but did your friends fire co end up buying the truck?
  10. Changing up the fleet colors on this one @JoeH, or is that primer?
  11. Looks like the Superliner Hydroseeder went for $45 K. Not bad for a 35 year old truck...
  12. Is the RD the formerly green tri-axle dump that you had posted about previously @JoeH? Looks sharp!
  13. Looks great @JoeH! Make sure you post up some photos when it's completely outfitted.
  14. I’m sure that you won’t encounter anything that you can’t handle @JoeH. Probably some BMT members along the way that would help you out if needed. I’d probably be more concerned about the weather and a light rear end with a bare chassis. Good luck with the mobile tech. Hopefully they will be able to find/resolve your issue quickly. Looking forward to to more photos once you get her backed out of the shop.
  15. Making progress @JoeH? Are you planning on driving it out to get the Cenetech mixer installed?
  16. I remember the Precourt Stone truck when it was new. I grew up in Sudbury and my Dad worked next door to Precourt at EH Perkins. Before the Scania they had a Mack MB.
  17. What do you think it would cost @Firemack as you've "been there/done that"?
  18. Look familiar @DailyDiesel? Still has the Suit Kote truck number on the bumper… Thank you for posting the find @mrsmackpaul!
  19. So @hurstscrambler, made any more progress? I’ve been meaning to ask for a while…. Dave
  20. I seem to remember hearing about a fire too Bob, but I haven’t been out there since the late 90’s. Appears the location is branded as the “Historic Hoover Dam Lodge” now. Dave
  21. I lived in Boulder City, NV (just south of Vegas) for a year back in the late 90s. Best deal I found was you could by the local weekly paper for $0.25, cut out a coupon and get a free buffet dinner at the casino between Boulder City and Hoover Dam on Monday nights. 8-10 of us from the project team I was on would all go out together. I’m sure others contributed more to the casino, but I got out of there with dinner for $0.25 most weeks.
  22. I know I’m late to the discussion, but I’m pretty confident that a mine that is running a hoe of that size knows their costs down to the pennies on a move like this. Breaking down a machine to smaller loads/reassembly takes the machine out of production longer. If you move it in one piece it’s ready to go to work as soon as it’s off the trailer.
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