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Everything posted by DodgeMan

  1. i wouldnt mind the big hydraulic press. Or one of the milling machind and the lathe.
  2. Looks great!!!! good Job!!
  3. I`m still learning my way threw some thing. So another dum question to ask... Would these fit a B81? Beings he has them listed as 38 to 44 rears im guessing they would be for the smaller trucks... Thanks Paul http://www.ebay.com/...e_Parts&vxp=mtr
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1951-Mack-LJ-W-Sleeper-Cab-262-Cummins-Single-Axle-W-Air-Tag-/320837955152?pt=Salvage_Parts_Cars&vxp=mtr&hash=item4ab36eae50 WIsh this was close to home be a good truck to restore or for parts for my LJSWX..
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Other-Makes-1959-MACK-Truck-Tractor-/350527221766?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item519d0cf006
  6. Hope you get it, wish you luck, nice truck...
  7. Deff has the same play out as duel. Good sounding truck.
  8. Congrats!!, cant wait to see pics!!!
  9. Im looking for 8 inch plain exhaust pipe or steel tubing, i dont want fancy chrome or stainless stacks on my truck. Anyone got any places where they by there pipe from?? Thanks Paul
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/66-MACK-U609T-Day-Cab-Semi-Truck-Tractor-/320835120006?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item4ab3436b86 u model for vinny
  11. opps just a pic/slide lol Thats what i get for doing 3 things at one time.
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MACK-B67-Thermodyne-Diesel-single-axle-Kodachrome-Slide-/190631393844?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c62843a34 B67 dump
  13. http://newyork.craigslist.org/jsy/pts/2790848375.html wish i had a few extra bucks
  14. LMAO, you made me look then yea i figured out the same thing you did.
  15. http://nwct.craigslist.org/cto/2745478790.html http://southjersey.craigslist.org/atq/2727487876.html
  16. i could use some parts, sent u a PM.
  17. Looks like a decent truck. Good Luck...
  18. I need a water pump housing for a 1962 B81SX with a 673 Mack engine casting # 771GB452A.
  19. As some of you know i bought that B81 that was in the for sale section on this web sight. It arived at my house a week before XMas. The friday before Xmas i tryed to get it running but the Series switch needed some tlc and i had to finish rebuilding a drive shaft for my plow truck. So that Sat. I got the switch back on and got it to spin over, not enuff fuel in the tanks to start it so i went got fuel cranked it over gave it a quick shot of either and off it went. Runs good but couldnt run it long as there was hardly any antifreeze in it. So the monday after Xmas i went to the local salvage yard and picked up 10 gallons of anti freeze. This past Sunday i dumped it in and the water pump was leeking, i had another one so i figured i just change it out. Started to take the one off the truck and relized there where a few bolts broken off, one i could get out with vise grips another with a good center punch but that would still leave me with 2 broke off in the housing. Well i thought the best way to get them all out and clean up the holes was to take the housing off. I got it off and was looking at it and reliezed the area where the gen bracket should bolt to was broken off. So im looking for a water pump housing for a B81 with a 673 Mack Engine. The number on the back of the housing is 771GB452A. Thanks Paul
  20. Happy New Year ALL. Hope a safe and good one for everyone.
  21. shucks i should of got pics today and i didnt not sure when ill be over there again. The r vin was a r 400.
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