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Everything posted by DodgeMan

  1. More cutting, chopping, and prepping for welding!!!
  2. Summer flew by and yet hardly anything done on this project... Putting the cab in for body work and paint over the winter....
  3. I know about the am radios. What else was there??? Did they ever make a pocket watch? I know they have watch fobs.
  4. Mine was originally a 707 gas converted to a 672 diesel.
  5. We should advertise. Got a crack we can pin it. Lol
  6. A bump on a earlier post. Need a set of rear axles moved from Iowa to PA. Need to get them out of Mikes way. Trying to get the guy who moved my R to bring them in but he's swamped moving tractors and other equipment... 484-464-5479.
  7. The R came from MN. Gary Biewers tractor salvage... Well Mike your more then welcome to come for a visit. No steam engines here. All gasoline or natural gas (now running on propane). The Mesingers my dads. Just got it last year... Cool on the 20hp Olin. I like to see pics of that. Send me a PM of the stuff you got and some pics... And where are you from? The Dieter came home earlyer this year. ( rusty engine no cart). Made in Cherryville, PA. And the Foos on Tuesday.
  8. Thanks, that's not all of them but that's what we acquired in the last year year and a half...
  9. What do you all think???
  10. 12hp Dieter made in Cherryville PA (dads) 47dodge wd21 9ft bed dually. (dads) And a 6hp Messinger made in Tatamy PA
  11. Well it's bin a while... Starting back on the Mack on Tuesday... Working on lots of other heavy Iron... John Deere R 15hp Olin 17hp Ruston Hornsby CR diesel Last pic is my 15hp Olin and my dads 20hpOlin
  12. Sold!!! Sorry was sold before your pm
  13. Runs, needs brakes and correct bed put on it. Have 2 beds, one military ruff but all there, one civilian easy to make military bed out of. Have extra grille with head light guards, have some extra sheet metal as well. $2,250 obo. Above Allentown PA. No time to work on it so it might as well go to someone who will.
  14. One day rain the next sunny the next cloudy and then repeat in some order!! Right now cloudy or sunny for sat.
  15. Sorry guys no LJ this year... Down for repairs. My dads B will be there and I'm taking the cream sickle, aka the 74 dodge ramcharger
  16. Good in most states as long as your hauling your own stuff and have not for hire on the truck. A added plus is running antique plates on the truck....
  17. If you didn't go yet. Give me a call or text. 484-464-5479.
  18. I bin busy. To much going on guess I should of posted my phone number.
  19. Finally the snows melted and it warmed up enuff to work on it. Pictures will follow...
  20. Ok. Going to give him a call soon. Something came up on my end so short on funds...
  21. Prayers to his family and friends.
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