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Everything posted by DodgeMan

  1. Oliver is a waukesha diesel.
  2. The WD Allis that's for sale.
  3. Not at the moment Harry. But I won't no more until the snow melts and I can start working on the old Mack again. I will keep it in mind tho... Thanks Paul
  4. Sent Mack mhe9 a message. Maybe mike don't like to get to close to the coast... J/k
  5. Got all the parts. Will find out year and etc. on allis tomorrow. Above Allentown, PA..
  6. What type of filter are you running?
  7. Anyone coming this way from Iowa with a open trailer?? Need a pair of rears hauled in. For the York show, Macungie Truck show etc??
  8. I agree!!! Best way to repair cast iron is to weld it with cast iron. (Best way) Stich and pin using lock and stich. (2nd best) A good v out and braze job. (3rd best) Nickel welding rods work but there's a 50/50 chance it will crack again then there really no way of fixing it after that it ruins the metal. And using a mig welder is a JOKE.... My dad and I are going to drill and stich it for Rudy.
  9. Thanks guys. Plan on pulling the trans in spring. To look at the clutch and flywheel and pressure plate. Easier to do it now then when the cabs on. Will figure out what ratio the trans is then. If I need help on any of it I defy will let you guys know.
  10. Anyone got a complete v12 laying around they wouldn't mind parting with. Looking for one for a future project. There's one on eBay but I'm not driving to CA to get it... Thanks Paul
  11. Thanks guys....
  12. Got a allis chalmers wd he wants to sell.
  13. My dads Oliver 88 Diesel.
  14. All I'm going to say is SWEET!!!!!!
  15. Some pics I forgot to post of the B81 frame before the snow fell... As soon as the weather brakes there will be more.
  16. I do agree with him on this. The center bolt was to hold everything together.. And to align the spring stack for assembly....
  17. Poor thing looks like it had a very ruff life. Worth while trying to save tho. Beings it is that rare....
  18. Trans question. Main box is stamped TRD 720 witch should be a 5 speed duplex overdrive... But It's deff a quad box. Any one know a good way of determining what gear ratio??
  19. Trans question. Main box is stamped TRD 720 witch should be a 5 speed duplex overdrive... But It's deff a quad box. Any one know a good way of determining what gear ratio??
  20. Inner rails almost done. Some welding touch up and a little more grinding and on to outer rails. Jacks put away so it's now free spanding.
  21. To many car shows, truck shows, engine shows to go to and not enuff time to spend on the toys. Also bought the 96 dodge cummins 12v 5spd above. Witch had some issues thanks to the last owner who thought you use a degree wheel to set timing on a cummins...
  22. Well got to work on the B81 project a little bit last night and today...
  23. You got that right!!!!!!!
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