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Everything posted by DodgeMan

  1. Poor thing needs to be shot and put out of its misery
  2. I seen a few vids on YouTube of a actual jake brake (not a exhaust brake) for a dodge 12 valve... Anyone got any info???
  3. Cross member installed...
  4. Same as most b models. Not sure on the others...
  5. Cross member cleaned up. Also installed tonight. Will get pics of that tomorrow.
  6. Plan to... After about 6hrs of tweeting yanking cutting welds apart and rewelding the rails are pretty dang straight. Will post pics tomorrow. -->Also decided to add a cross member. So another delay but I as well as my dad think 6-7ft between members was a bit to much. (Thanks for the idea dad.) lol not sure how I'd get half this stuff back together and running with out him... :-)
  7. Getting closer to getting all the pieces put back together!!!
  8. I got donor rails from a truck that was being scraped. The inner rails are now tacked in place. Going to get everything leveled and tie the pieces together to get a rolling frame again... As promised 2 pics of the 54 packard panama super clipper...
  9. 54 packard super clipper. I'll post a pic latter. And I should say the rat rod I'm building as well that's packard powered. And thanks for the help.
  10. Moving along slowly on this project due to above problem and working on my dads 54 packard.
  11. Frame rail dimension issues. On the inside of the rail at the cross member that the cab sits on I got 26 1/2 inches and at the rear section in front of the 3rd rail I got 27 inches.
  12. Anyone got any holley 94 carbs laying around?? I could use ones with model 59 on the side or let me know what you have.... Thanks Paul Building a rat rod on the side when i dont have enuff time to be working on the B81.....
  13. 3/4 inch torque wrench works sweet
  14. The 2nd and 3rd pic in this set show the grade 8 bolts instaled and torqued to 325ft lbs... Next week im going to start adding the 4ft section of strech, will post pics as i go.
  15. (((((BACK ON THE PROJECT))))) Got a reamer. It was a reverse spiral. Kimble Midwest ($173.00) has them but i bought a new one cheaper on ebay ($55.00).
  16. What engine is in the truck?
  17. Yup that be the beast. Pretty much everyone said I should leave it as is. There where a few that said I should fix it all up. Thinking I'm just going to put the parts aside I have a leave it alone for now.
  18. Well the ljswx made its first appearance at the truck show. I should post a pole on here. To keep it the way it is or to restore it lol.
  19. I won't Mack it Friday. But sat I will be there with one rusty Mack. It looks like hell but still runs great. Seeyas there Paul
  20. Found the problem the slack adjuster is broke. Have 2 new ones on the way. Good price from napa.
  21. I'm working on my ljswx. Both passenger side wheels will turn when they are jacked up and off the ground. But only the front drivers side set will turn . I can't get the rear set of tandems to spin on that side. I checked the brakes and there ok. Any ideas... Thanks Paul
  22. Will call you this weekend some time.
  23. Anyone know how to get this wire connection apart?
  24. Here's what I'm working with.
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