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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Ive met Arron and seen his Macks, big play toys, Arron is just as nice as George when you talk to him for a while. The B61 I think said it had Timken rears. Is that right? I want to ask the guy about it but I dont really want ot bother him if the trucks been cut and customised. Also why the strip accross the back of the upper part of the cab?
  2. I thought the B was heavy duty but wouldnt the tranny be a 15 or 20 speed? Also it has air line dummy glad hand's on the back of the cab? So many questions
  3. Now I was thinking of yall on our trip to UT and posting some pictures. A drag line , this thing was the biggest I have ever seen , and it was working hard and made the D11 that was pushiung dirt took like a clown car A B model Mack I saw FS on the side of the road in WY , I need help with this one. 10sp Direct drive duplex, double frame . Does the rear end look correct? Double frame from cab to rear and why is the strip accross the back of the top of the cab? Sorry they are upside... down ? A nice clean Pete , look at the next pic and you will see why I posted it. Anyone know the guy on the right this truck was pulling for? 2nd pic of the wife and I with the King
  4. Yep, Brad did what work he was told to , now onto its next step in life
  5. Not sure, they are still made also. You have pics?
  6. He sells on ebay , we see his trucks alot
  7. Pictures of her washin that truck bud
  8. Like a steam roller, its coming every where . Point me in the right direction I will talk to who ever and go wherever I cam make a diff. but millions of people are just talkers(I dont mean anyone here) but guys on Facebook and the lcoal gun shops, stores, loading docks, etc. , they complain just like they did about Obama but in the end noones gonna stand up to the man in masses and put a stop to the stupid ways our country is going. It will just happen. I know us guys here would stand up to Obama if we had the chance but millions of gun owners and supporters wont do more than complain online or click like to a pro gun picture. (I hear Saturday in each state capital there will be formations of pro gun people)
  9. Thanks for the info , that would be great if the two were the same, and have a bit of Mack history to them.
  10. Werner would have alot more drivers (at least "real" drivers) running Macks
  11. Mine is Jay Bennett , im friends with a few of yall on there
  12. We hate you now , LOL , what alucky guy , ive never seen a wash like that
  13. I wish I had a line of O/O work where I could buy and drive it for myself.
  14. Where are you?
  15. "Can I sue?" Call an attourney, we arent lawyers, just advice givers. Get the correct legal advice. Speed gave good advice, id sure start there. And like the others said, get pictures, and start cleaning them out if you can.
  16. Yep, il keep you posted , if it can be driven down the road..safely id say its worth 2k, but maybe alot more if I can see it in person. It would be good "like Karma mannn" to pass it to a better home that would appriciate it.
  17. Update, it was given to them and I giess seeing the Mack name made her think it was a Bentley or Rolls Royce. Im working on helping her learn about it and since it was given to them maybe they can come off their gold price and take a real fair offer.
  18. The Gov Liq places can be real jerks sometimes.
  19. Yeah , sure is a re cabbed , re hood'd , re alot of stuff on a Mack NO. Alot of fab work went into it for sure, they did more than a back lot job on it
  20. Sure did support the forum with more than a dime. Hey , did they ask ya your VIN number, seems Brucker Mack in Denver cant so much as get a bottle of washer fluid without your VIN , sure wish they would llisten to what I say when I talk.
  21. I was told they were open for an offer...
  22. If I could only have the 17k and a ton more to restore it .. lol . Too bad the guys nuts.
  23. Yes sir, I was at a gun show the other day , a guy in line says he wants to go a town where Hippie Liberals are so he can buy ammo there since its drying up around here, a old man in the back yells Boulder! Im guessing it would have to be scrap price to make it worth restoring? I have no clue on the market of B model busses and how much Fabreeze it would take to kill the pot smell inside.
  24. Old B model School bus I just found. Id be happy to help look it over if anyone can get this person to reality on the price. http://denver.craigslist.org/rvs/3528958981.html
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