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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Just be sure to ask them fellers before you whip that door open , lol. Some might not like random guys opening the doors of their trucks.. especially Other Dog lol
  2. For that price id buy a running antique Mack. Randy, seen the Jeff Dunham puppet routine? He said he's wife is like a motor cycle.. Nag Nag Nag Nag Nag ..... biiiiitchh..bit...biiiittttchh..biiiittchhh
  3. I found a truck id like to buy but I dont know if its worht the 2 hrs to the Richie Bros place if there stuff sells for twice what its worth. Anyone? Jay
  4. Damm it looks nice, wish I could get it here.
  5. Yep , sure thing. Also as a bussiness trying to sell trucks and parts to us collectors maybe they can put up an ad and toss a little money to Watts for put an ad on here like Pfahls and OldMacks does.
  6. No kidding, they export trucks and scrap ones in a junk yard and sell parts.. They buy up all older Macks and sell them to Afican Obamas. Not like they save them. I have nothing at all against Sparr! dont get me wrong, just they are a bussiness in buying and selling Macks , not saving them for Americans to have forever.
  7. M818 , I have a M35A3 here I use for parades and such. Ive had a few M818's also.
  8. 1918 Mack AC , ?Left over after the first World War and re purposed?
  9. On the B42 / B61 deal , yeah the B42's left the factor as gassers but most of the ones ive seen have been re powerd to diesels , ask questions to the owner when buying things like that the old macks one has been re powerd with a diesel if im thinking correctly.
  10. Ditto, I had a leak coming from under my fuel tank strap last year on the way home from a show.
  11. Glad to see the H was finally saved. Id have bought it years ago if I could find a guy to deliver. Whats your plans with it?
  12. Looks like a great color and job , Jay
  13. 711 Engine with a 9 speed il bet. Front axle is correct for the truck too.
  14. If god drove a truck, it would be the LJ with the flat bed and Cat on the back.
  15. I think Bobs laughing because they allow certain antique trucks like the H model or the AC and not the B model for sale , or maybe h67mack just hasnt said the whole story like only the B is visable or outside.
  16. I love when guys say no Rust At All , exept the rot bubbles in the door/floor,back of cab .. etc. LOL hahaha . No picking on you Vinny, you see that alot when guys are talking about their trucks or selling them.
  17. Gotta make it look like my U model Vinny. I use a rain cap along with a bucket or milk jug. Rain caps dont alwayts keep out all the water. And with a plastic bucket or milk jug you dont have to remember them when you start up , they will fly off.
  18. Were in Colo Springs , i work out of Pueblo now.
  19. Call a truck driving school and use their truck for the road test. Thats what I did. And almost all schools do that , your local DMV office might have a list of people and schools who do that , Colorado does. Advice for anyone that doesnt know trucks Very well(swallow your pride) and do the CDL even if you can skirt the law and get around it, it will really help you and other people out there and like I said you sure get the pride of having one. Thats not directed right at you Steve , but anyone in general. Jay
  20. Good advice, if your not looking for a yearS long project but a solid runner. Something you can drive and tinker on , you will have Tons of fun doing that.
  21. Dave Welcome, where abouts in SW CO are you? Were in CO also. We have a great ATHS chapter out here (I think im the only Mack guy at all) I know us guys would like to see pics of the Mack here. You know you can write the Mack Museum and send the VIn and a donation if you can and they will send you all the info and build sheets on the Bulldog you have. , Jay
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