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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Holy shit, really? I love how this dumb ass is taking credit for killing him... not like there wasnt 100 other people that did the job but for our dumb ass President to take credit for it? Hey Barry Obama, if your reading this , please stay off this forum , its some thing we enjoy.
  2. Myyyy golly! Vinny, I bet you sure were happy to hear that Mack run!
  3. Maybe its just velcro'd in place.. If they didnt have a reserve on it im sure it woudl sell easier.... then Diesel is 3.95 a gal herein CO now...
  4. Why you thinking its not selling Rob?
  5. 3.89 a Gal here in CO for Diesel.. today I only plan on going to two shows this year , the others are within my town and are smaller car shows so that wont hurt too bad. The ones a few hours away were saving for...
  6. How are the tires? Any leaks at all? Hows the brakes? Do all the lights and guages work as they should? Whats the interior like? Di you put the diamond plate on the fender corners? I still have the money ( and the truck ...) from the sale of my U609 and we have really been wanting a B model.
  7. Olive, do I need to drive to see that B you got. Lets see pics
  8. Tom short, let me know what I owe ya. I have a couple driver patches from them. Im bound and determined to make a CFCC truck. Im looking for some other CFCC pictures I took of the B model and a LJ. Jay
  9. Yeah im curious on where it is myself.
  10. Whata damm good deal, I couldnt get the pics to work but it sounds great!
  11. Yeah I posted a thread on it about a week ago, OtherDog and a few others have seen this one in person at shows.
  12. Im a huge Carolina Freight guy , I have hats and drivers patches from them... and "when" I get my L model Mack someday im resotring it CF markings.
  13. Yeah , if I remember right they were under CDL weight... for some reason. You selling a Ford on ebay ? I think I saw it when I was looking for a L7000. Nice Truck!
  14. Yeah , found one out in NV asking 6k... id say pricey I think. I rememeber they were at just about every used truck place in NC for a long time, then gone.
  15. I used to see them all over, cant find one at all now.
  16. Anyone here remeber the old CF L7000 Fords? Where did they all go? I figured one would make a cheap easy truck to drive around here for small jobs.
  17. That makes us all staep back and see how insurance companies are and how they will treat you. Im sorry to hear that , and its a pain in the ass to go to court but that looks like the right step.
  18. Makes sence to me.. hahahah. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1962-Mack-B61-Integral-Sleeper-1974-Great-Dane-Dry-Van-Trailer-B-61-/110837248259?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item19ce6a3103 Heres one some of us have seen in person at the ATHS shows, not a fan of the chrome rims but a nice old Integral sleeper.
  19. New gun sales, like Ar15's and AK's im sure are flying off like most assault rifles. Same thing with home boy got elected the 1st time.
  20. Jesus, now thats a story! Give em hell , nice knowing that theres guys like you out there that wont sit aroud waiting around for the police not to show up on time and not catching the bad guy.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1962-MACK-B81-TRACTOR-SEMI-QUAD-BOX-WET-LINE-55-REARS-/260972190945?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3cc3279ce1 Another B81 Mack for sale, really worth saving id think http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/B-61P-schoolbus-bus-673-5spd-1964-Mack-Bmodel-Mack-Bus-/150772038473?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item231ab6bb49 And a B model school bus! Yeah id restore and drive a school bus!
  22. Id say your about right, damm id love to have that truck! Where ya from?
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