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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Only 75k ? Id try Ebay ... Were Mack hobbyist for the most part , I wish I had 75k for a hobby truck. I guess your a V.F.D. by you driving POV's to calls. At my last station we had a 1999 IH pumper just like it with a 2 man cab. If we needed more firefighters they had to use the smaller brush truck to get to the call. Ive felt the pain.
  2. I was thinking the same thing, I figured a Gov Agency wouldnt need a reserve...
  3. Damm what a deal. I want the LWB B model. Wish I was closer.
  4. Could you just get one off an R and weld the bracket , looks like thats what Mack did.
  5. Randy, il shoot you a PM , il ways track leads to my next truck. I went on Macks web site , I did buy a large black Mack collar
  6. The last Brockway looks like a good one too.
  7. Thanks ya'll , yeah they do need a bit more care but this one's a house dog so he wont be in the cold and heat.. what a baby. Im having a harder time finding a old Mack than I thought.
  8. Meet Mack. Our 8 week old Bulldog. This little Mack will do until I can find the big one for him and our kids to ride in. A local family had english bulldog puppies and we snagged em up. I dont think he has the 210 HP my last Mack did though.
  9. That wig wags truckin! Ive always wanted one in a truck.
  10. Id give one a home Mark, they are cool enough like the U models where id want one.
  11. Well id offer Holly all my moneys for it.
  12. When are you picking up that B model straight truck?
  13. Not much anyone can do with it Bob unless the guy would take 500 bucks and you lived local.
  14. Id give the '59 a home myself and undo a few things. ... when I win the lotto
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1959-Mack-Truck-B-61-/150749690319?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item231961b9cf http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1957-Mack-Truck-B-61-/150749717644?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item231962248c Take your pick guys, Jay
  16. A B20 is a great truck, small enough for what we do now a days, parades and shows. I have one of those hub caps off a fire truck in PA. , Jay
  17. Thank you for pokint that out. Im going ot call back today and see what he really would want for it before I waste 4 hours of my day looking into it.
  18. Randy, if you sell it then id give it a home better than that guy working it and im looking for a B and were not 3,000 miles apart. Id be a honest guy and say it would stay in the community.
  19. That makes me sick , really, I hope you find it, I will keep and eye out.
  20. Oops I mean where in the US is it?
  21. Maybe I mised it, where the hell is it?
  22. Vinny, Mine is staying in CO right up I25.
  23. I was told they didnt want the U's and DM's also , but the last post on there there was both being exported. I had a exporter call me on my u600. So after the older CH's go they will be done with Macks?
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