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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. I think thats at least the 3rd or 4th time on Ebay.. I dont think he understands what his trucks worth. What a extemely nice truck!
  2. I worked for them about 6 years ago, we had a 45 min drive just to start my route. 2 towns over. I drove a truck that dog legged , the rear axle was outta line , for a good long while. The run trucks in the ground for sure! Ive never seen a glass window package car like that , thats pretty damm cool. I had my supervisor with me on my route to help train me and get me used to it... a whole day! I had to use a hand drawn map I made to get around.
  3. Yeah id say its east coast. When it gets warm out im going to start on the hood sanding and priming it.
  4. It bepends, I drive the big stuff for Fed Ex , with UPS I drove pakage cars . They wanted a perfect record or so im told when I worked for them. They have their own drivers training and all. UPS is REALLY about their image! I was told by another UPS driver that they will can you after one accident. I also was told by another driver for example , someone runs a red light and hits a UPS truck , to protect their image UPS will take fault. Sounds stupid, not sure if its 100% true but the guy who told me had been their for many many years and always steerd me in the right direction. UPS is just bad for layoffs from what ive seen and experianced. Fed Ex Ground cares about your records too , I was told not to even apply at Fed Ex Ground if I had anything on my driving record or criminal record. That came from the lady that hired me! Companies now a days can be alot more selective with less jobs out there. Like I was saying, I think UPS doesnt want their old Class 8 trucks with the name coverd up with a new one running around like Roadway or Penske. Im sure they would want their entire brown paint and makings taken off the truck , and sand it down and repaint it. So its just easier to cut them up and part them out.
  5. On the package cars , its a Brand thing. You can tell a UPS package car from FED EX or anyone else , they dont want their old trucks being run way down, they want to keep up their image, or so im told by UPS. Like the F , MH , CH , etc... I dont get... you can sand and re paint a truck and Never ever know it was a UPS truck but that takes alot more work than cutting one up. Im sure they dont want their old stuff looking like Penske's old yellow trucks used everywhere after they return them to be sold. I worked for them years ago , now I drive for Fed Ex Ground.
  6. Scrap price , honestly but thats only my opinion. Looks like you have some good parts on them you could sell some guys on here before , or if at all , you decide to scrap them. The B61 and R700 look the best P.S. Welcome to the forum! You found the right place to be! Where ya from ?
  7. Heres a picture of one with just the fenders painted.
  8. The depressed area is black on mine. Im painting it back green , it needs that done pretty bad. Now I dont want a entirely green truck so I was thinking of just doing the fenders Or the fenders and all around like in this picture. Rob no need to cutting my hood down , its already half the size of a R models ha ha
  9. I want to either paint my fenders black or paint the entire nose black on my U600. What looks better to you guys. I was thinking of just doing the fenders but as we know on the R type hood the fenders and front of the hood bump out as one. Should that whole thing be painted? Thanks fellers!
  10. What are you now? 25? Happy B day buddy!
  11. I posted a link to them last time they were on ebay , I got extra pics also , would be a good buy if you have room in the gragre to get them outta the weather
  12. I didnt see the last two pictures. I see the double frame now. With it being a B61T , it was a double frame , single axle dump?? Or do you think the door tag might not match the frame? I didnt know they made double framed single axles... When you say the mid section probably was bad, they moved the entire truck forward on the frame rails?
  13. Id give it a home, ive never seen it on ebay but someone posted a CL ad about it I though. When it was taken from a dump to a tractor they sure did stuff right! Id say it was always one.
  14. Gives me an idea to try , Il paint my wedges a diff color. Yours look great!
  15. Dont hear them singing songs about new Chevy cars either ha ha. Yeah id take Jays R model!
  16. Happy B day Ducky!
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1925-MACK-TRUCK-RESTORED-99-ORIGINAL-UNBELIEVABLE-HEAD-TURNER-CHAIN-DRIVE-/320825661711?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item4ab2b3190f I wanted to pass this onto you guys to look over. I might be selling my U model real soon also. My wife and I want to get back into a B model and id like a new project to start on.
  18. Swift's hauling Target out this way.
  19. This was on the news today. Poor pond , now its got a Frieghtliner in it.. http://news.yahoo.co...k-27801003.html A semi went off road on Interstate 94 near Monticello Friday morning and broke through the ice of a pond, sinking up to its windshield, authorities said (2:00).
  20. It does help a little Mark , That joke was so funny I told my wife, but changed the last part to Mack truck.. I sat in a Titan last month , first Mack I ever climbed in that smelled like a new leather!
  21. Did it sell for the 2,000 on Ebay?
  22. Is it road drivabe? I missed that part im sorry.
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