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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Damm Id like to have it. Thats pretty cool and would be a easy Overnite restoration! Did you ever figure a price?
  2. Yeah the B in Max OD was a shame to blow up. That truck hauled ass lol Can remember Yardley Smith now, "Cuurrrtiissss !"
  3. Just messing with ya ha ha
  4. Not with a spray can Rob
  5. When you go Post , right next to it hit More Reply Options, then you can see where to add a picture or more.
  6. Not a fan of all the chrome but its Great to see a Mack winning shows and things the PACCAR trucks normally win.
  7. Congrats! Were going on 6 years here !
  8. He's asking for 4,000 for it. For a few grand more you can have mine , damm ha ha.
  9. Justin , Il bet alot of us would want to see pictures even just to stare at your Bulldog. Can you put some up? , Jay
  10. When empty I upshift at just about 1200 RPM , he's right its alot easier to shift a Mack tranny with a load behind it.
  11. I like that old building, my dream if the wife hits the lotto is finding a building like that, restoring it for a old truck/vehicle museum to the public. Kinda looks like a old truck dealer/garage.
  12. Those old bunker blower reefers are so nice, Iive wanted one for years to tug with my truck.
  13. Like the butt floss and the B with the trailer alot!!!
  14. My wife asked for and got a 150 dollar coffe maker she wanted... WOW
  15. Yeah id give it a home fore sure. And it goes fast!
  16. A D8? , hell even a D6 wouldnt fit on the size of that bed ha ha. Id give it a place to park here , im sure I can find a use for it pretty easy.
  17. I passed right by them twice and I should have stopped. Thats great you get good help from Mack , I get good and bad from Colorado Mack in Denver.
  18. Yeah Roadway had them too along with Carolina Freight ( Carolina bought I think 50 of them at once and kept Mack from going bankrupt that year) . Mark or anyone else remember seeing a H model that looks exactly like Red Rovers truck on HWY 301 in Sharpsburg , NC at in front of a old truck mechanics shop. Its was under a blue tarp for a long time?
  19. Couple pics I found
  20. Oh I know buddy, its a nice truck OtherDog can back me up on that. I havent seen a truck with paint that has "dye'd back " like that. Havent been in the hobby or painting as long as some of yall. Everyones good and I dont have any issues with anyone here so I hope were all good friends still. Im going to talk my friend Glenn into buying a paint gun and we can spray the cab and bed with that. From what I hear here and a few other places ive looked its a bad idea to rattle can it.
  21. Rob beat me to it, i like the old look of the black fenders, thats a classy Mack!
  22. Gee golly I sure feal bad asking a honest question with no intent of putting down another guys truck by asking if a spray can was used. Damm you got me there. So by me posting a picture and asking if people thought a spray can was used means im putting him down? Why would a spray can being used on a truck be wrong , bad, or putting a truck down? Unless its your opinion of putting a truck down? To me its not, Id say you were in the wrong to think I was asking a question in a negitive way. The B61 in my opinion looks better than my truck, so thats why I asked if he used a spray can , if you were wondering. Thanks for explaing it to me, I wasnt sure why the paint did that. I saw it in person and was a little curious but with noone around I couldnt ask. Il be in the corner if you need me Rob..
  23. OtherDog , if your reading this , did you see the green and black B61 at the ATHS show in July? It look like it was done with a can. Did you have a pic? Edit, I found a couple pics, anyone else think it was done with a can ?
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