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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Joe , The 5 tons your talking about are the early through mid 70"s ones with the 250 Cummins, the 800 series trucks. You can also tell the crane on the back is older than the ones built in the 70's with the Cummins. The one here is a bit older, il bet started its life as a gasser, then rebuilt in the later 60's to Multifuel. They also put Mack Diesels in some instead of the Multifuels during that time on the 5 ton trucks. All the Deuces were gassres till the rebuild in the 60"s-70"s then became Multifuel's , either, White , Contenental , or Hercules. Also another places to look is the pass. side dash. Theres plenty of tags on it telling you more.
  2. Well I didnt paint my grille green but I put some wax on the doors and polished the front hub caps. Not much else to do on a cold day.
  3. Ahh that power steering must be nice ha ha.
  4. Rob , Isnt there some oil you put somewhere for them during maint.?
  5. I have a full time job, and the others a part time.. im married.
  6. Im not a bigger guy.. yet. So id fit behind the wheel with no issues. I noticed the floor and things you were talking about Rob , id have to get it around his opening bid, with is no reserve and noones bidding on. Id pay more in frieght than the truck but id be ok if I can get it cheap enough. Would go good with my short nose U609.
  7. If they work or you have them they will look like mine or a old B model when you first crank it and its cold out. Im guessing you dont have moving shutters or they are just stuck open like alot of them are. Look yours over and you should be able to tell.
  8. 66 - B77 http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/cto/2659133544.html 55' for 650 bucks and runs - http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/cto/2704892231.html
  9. Ive contected the guy twice, id try tobuy it if I can get some questions ansewered.
  10. I dont mind having them open at shows and what not, but this time of the year and the short trips we make they rarely stay open unless im done driving and put it in the garage.
  11. I wouldnt mess with "keeping them closed" , Ive seen some pretty nice art work on some old shutter type grille's, now I guess they crank the truck , let air pressure build , then shut it down to keep em closed to paint and work on. And if the Silver is correct then I wont mess with them. They look pretty good but I just wasnt sure of the factory color. I just thought green would look nice. Thanks Rob and Mark!!
  12. As some of us know im trying to get my U back to closer factory look. What color would the grille have been when it was new? Same color as the cab and truck? Black? I have my build sheets but I dont think it was on that. Its silver right now and im thinking about repainting but im not sure.. id like some opinions honestly. Also , how do you keep the grille slats shut when the trucks off? Mine open as they should when I turn the truck off. Thanks
  13. Same as the U , Superdogs right, its to get cleaner air , like DM work's alot off road and at job sights, better to get the cleaner air, Same with the U's , working in the city and things like that so they want cleaner air. Your U was built for highway use so it didnt need the taller cleaner.
  14. As in Mack trucks? If you contact the museum with the VIN they can tell you who it sold to new. Thats about it as far as I know for them.
  15. Damm I asked for the same sign! Looks like you made out great Vinny!!!
  16. Coal prices are going up ... investment id say!
  17. Well my wife got me the BMT calender with our trucks in it, and one for my dad. And from Mack , 2 pairs of Mack sunglasses and a Mack LJ T shirt. She got our oldest son a Mack sweat shirt and and our youngest son a Bulldog Keychain ... and about 50 other gifts between the kids. Merry Christmas guys!
  18. I think I missed the sale. Nuts , I need to make a order.
  19. Now that you mention it shouldnt we have gotton the Jan / Feb edition ATHS magazine yet?
  20. Side if the engine should have a tag , as far as I know the Macks were only diesel and the other makes were multifuel. The Mack engines are pretty damm rare in those trucks.
  21. Yeah I agree. I think the price is ok and it looks solid from the pics. I like the front hubs!
  22. I was hoping to work something out on the LJ.
  23. Open your gifts early bulldog? My wife wont let me see until Sunday. Figure we can start a new thread by then with pics of stuff we got from Mack or for the Mack.
  24. Damm , I forgot the Mack hub cap wall clock , I want one too.
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