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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Sounds great , nice to know theres some good outcome of what happend!
  2. Vinny, 10 tires might be on a wish list ha ha. Man they are expencive. Id like 2 new front ones myself , I got some weather checking. Im hoping to get some marker lights and some Mack or ATHS mud flaps. Mark , my wife got a box from Mack also last week... weird.. She also got a box from Watts Mack last week also.. Lets see the B model orniment!
  3. Welcome to the group! Post some pics of your collection! We would love to see.
  4. It was a 56' B61. I was bought from a bank auction in 86' by the fellow I got it from. I think he said he rebuilt the engine then and parked it soon after. I dont know who bought it new but Paul can find out, he has the title and Vin to it. I was going to clean it out and up for him but after I found the snake and snake skins in the truck I stopped. I did get 95% of the weeds , briars, and vines off it. It was in sad shape, the only reason id see trying to save it is a early'r integral sleeper.
  5. Il post a couple pictures of the one I found and pulled out for Paul near Goldsboro,NC.
  6. Ive seen that one on Ebay about this time last year I think. He has better pictures then and it looks like a great truck . Wouldnt take much .
  7. And why wouldnt they be at work every day , they are Macks ha ha. Yeah id kill to drive a B61 instead of the IH I drive at work.
  8. Another shot would be the ATHS forums also.
  9. We need a guy that doesnt care about anything but fixing our country to the way it was in the early post WW2 era. Its going to take someone from left feild and not someone thats been in politics for the last 20 years to fix it.
  10. Happy B -Day young man!
  11. I agree, they are small picturesha ha
  12. Multifuel or Mack Diesel? Looks like a nice one!
  13. You and me both!
  14. That looks like a DM Vinny, man those are some good old trucks you posted!
  15. Ha ha , I had to show my wife.
  16. Theres a few more but its mostly the same things.
  17. Nah , Im talking about the two post and the plate that bolt to the bumper in the picture of the dumpster truck you posted. Ive always like those. I still want one for my U model.
  18. Merry Christmas guys and gals from my family.
  19. Contact http://www.candhtruck.com/ , They are good guys and easy to order from
  20. http://www.truckpape...px?OHID=2586151
  21. Anyone wanna take a stab at when Mack went from the MACK bubble mirrors to the half bulldogs? Those MACK ones are getting pricey and harder to find. Watts Mack does sell them though. Vinny , The arm is wrong. Like I said they are easy to find though. Same one thats on mine and the one in the pic you posted. I sure wish a I had a grille guard like that one has!
  22. Vinny, The correct arms and parts are cheap and easy to get for the most part if im right about the Bulldog ones. I have two that came off mine before I put the MACK ones on, if you want them . Pay shipping and you can have them. On the MACK ones Vs. Half Bulldog, didnt make go to the Bulldogs in the 70's? I have no idea on the exact details. ,Jay
  23. Tom , I put them up tonight after I go play in the snow at work. He was right when he said parts trucks.
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