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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Barry , Yes sir, I get all the way where I can add the two pictures. Once I select them I dont see a buttom to click or anything to upload them onto the site and make the album. It happens everytime so I think I just might be missing something, Jay
  2. Its on and off Mark , like now it works to where I can view. Still cant add pictures of make an album of my own.
  3. There all in England now... NIgera wasnt working out for them so now the claim England in al their emails.
  4. Im with David, a daycab F model would be awsome.
  5. When I click the Gallery buttom sometimes or a picture in the gallery I get the An Error Occured Page " An Error Occurred Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. [#107142] Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available. " - Can someone help me with this and making an album, I dont see that also? Thank you
  6. hell 3500 sounds cheap. Too bad he wont be able to ruin it as a water truck.
  7. I with you Rob , just razzing ya. Like when I got a Neg for helping with pics, i put up a post and learned the guy did it by accident. Glad to see the spam guys go. Who wants a deal on shoes or a cell phone on BMT? not me. I saw that for a bit in the Status Updates list.
  8. I have some pictures of your B61 from years ago.
  9. Id like a old Fleetstar. Would make a nice Associated Trasportation truck once restored and alot cheaper than finding a old Brown or Mack to make into one. Tom , looks like you got a great truck for a great price.
  10. Il start, $50 Why not sell to the highest payer here?
  11. I agree with Bob.
  12. Says the guy with 150 points. Its funny , we get Pos and Neg points at work , after so many Pos. we can shop at the Fed Ex Ground store for Fed Ex Ground shirts, hats , umbrellas , slow cookers... , MP3 players ,etc.
  13. The 250 dollar parts truck id buy for my kids to play in , thats a deal. And shit I want the B61!
  14. jaysm35a2

    Parts B61:

    Vinny, See even Bob wishes he had a U model . ahahahah , funny guy - Jay
  15. I like that S/A also.
  16. Im not diving a antique Mack home from PA again anytime soon. The B61 trip near killed me. Il keep tinkering with my U609.
  17. jaysm35a2

    Parts B61:

    Do you think they wanted the rear end off it , is that why it was cut?
  18. jaysm35a2

    Parts B61:

    What a low offer when it was new ha ha. I do like he said it would be good for parts or to restore... holy crap , restore ?
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1952-Mac-Dump-Truck-/250952550451?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item3a6df00833 The fenders I guess I understand but the windsheild?
  20. I use a Ipod on longer trips Vinny. , Jay
  21. They used those front hubs in 69' and ive seen them on the early 70's ones also. Im interested in how high it might go. The tachographs pretty cool in it. I saw a Mason Dixon U a while back with one.
  22. Thats pretty damm funny
  23. Funny funny, I think 5,500 would be a fair price for the U model myself.
  24. Guess im a lucky guy with a new headliner in my U when I got it.
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