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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pipercphotography/5113834747/sizes/l/in/pool-1633079@N23/ Thanks for the link , this one looks like mine,
  2. I did that on the B61 I bought in PA and drove to NC. The guy who hosed me on it told me its all great , etc. Then north of DC I shut it down for me and my wife and kids to eat dinner, Went to crank it , nothing. It took me walking 4 miles each way and trying to carry two 12v batts back to the truck , I took the old 4 6v's off , put the two 12v on and bam , cranked right up and never ever had an issue after that.
  3. I 2nd , I -295. I have driven it in a B61 s/a with spring rear end and no load. Its sucks. I now just go I 95 through Richmond. My 1st choice is I-40 after Greensboro , NC heading west torwards Hickory , NC. I actually broke something off getting slammed on that highway. I mean Holes in the road.
  4. I gotta get one like that.
  5. 1 bid so far. If it was closer id buy it and make it my number 1 Mack.
  6. No clue here but its cool that you have something from your original company Vinny , id like to have something like that.
  7. Ahh but its in the UK.. ha ha
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1952-Mack-A40H-single-axle-dump-truck-international-/150707932197?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item2316e48c25 Talk about a good deal , someone here should snag it up in NJ.
  9. Damm id like to have it.
  10. Maxidyne237 , Heres the pictures of the mount you asked about. , Jay Painted the Batt boxes today the same color green as the truck.
  11. Good god, 10,000 for the lot?
  12. Bob , we need to go in half of a Dodge 3500 and a 35ft good neck so we can get in on the stuff up in the north east,
  13. Yeah , I got lucky with this set and the set on the B 61. Just kinda fell in my lap at $50 a tire. The B 61 tires were already on the rim , the U models I had to change myself. Im anal about being correct But the square lights are way more correct than the light assembly it had on it. Thanks for the kind words guys, im not done. It always gives me somethign to tinker on. The marker lights are my next job. Il put in a order with Barry when I can for 5 more.
  14. Yeah , I had the round types on my B61. I want to say NAPA and OReillys sells them. I like the square ones a little more.
  15. My 3 year old had Thanksgiving off , thats why the floor was a little dirty. Il have her butt back out there today with the floor buffer. ha ha Woodrome, no prob. I Gave you a Pos bud. I figured it was a accident.
  16. Tried to help out Vinny by taking some pictures he asked for , and you negged me? Was it a accident? - http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/21769-free-to-a-good-home-tail-light-assembly/
  17. I got my last set from Greens Salvage in Fremont, NC. I know he's got more , im not sure what I paid for them. I walked one of 3 junk yards he has and pulled the set myself. 919) 242-5274 . Im sure one of his two daugheters will ansewer the phone , they know EVERYTHING about trucks, put me to shame. Some other guys on here have used them before.
  18. Mine came with them, then I took them off for a bit but my wife likes them so I put them back on last week. They do look nice with the front hub caps. If you need anything else just let me know. Mike, I have been working hard, my wife ,kids, and I have put in alot of hours. Its getting there. Its nothing like it was when I got it back in July. And if anyone wants the tail lights just let me know , if not im gonna get rid of them.
  19. Mines "stored" for the winter but I still crank and run it around once a month or so. Maxidyne, I will get pictures of the oil filter housing and mount tomorrow. I didnt see the post before I went today. Vinny, heres some pictures of the reflectors and tail lights and what not. My camera isnt that great. And I got back from the in-laws too late today to move it out for pictures.
  20. Yep Yep , Have a happy thanksgiving!
  21. Sounds good, gives me a reason to crank it and move it from the garage.
  22. That has to be the nicest and most bad ass R model I have ever seen. Whats the specs?
  23. The lights are easy to get. Its a kit , Very easy to put together. When I go out to the garage I will get the name and all and il PM them to you. Reflectors are just normal ones from NAPA pretty much. If you need any pics il be happy to get some. Id really like a pintle hook on the back of mine!
  24. Vinny, I think the reflectors are original and correct like the ones on B models. I put on 2 single , 3 way tail lights.Might not be spot on factory. Also by taking tyhe light assembly off I exposed the air tank on the back of the tractor. I sanded and painted that to match the truck. Also the tail lights I got bolted right in the factory holes. Heres a pic.
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