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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. 3 minutes, it took me 20 to read it! ha ha
  2. The LF is back again. Its been for sale by a few diff. people in the last year or so, the guy selling it now seems to buy old Macks from guys and re sells them as his bussiness. Id love to repaint it and own and show it myself. It looks top notch.
  3. Call the number I gave you, you wont have a hassle from a few companies as long as its inside, now theres Gulfway Insurance in FL that guys use that you dont have to keep it inside. Its all antique insurance companies for big trucks. They will know what you have when you call. And yes its BS that you cant run a Historical VA Antique Plate . Il bet if you take the title and insurance to the tag place they will give you one. Now if your not pulling a trailer or making money id keep the weight around 12k lbs, but if the tag office doesnt ask a weight then dont bring it up. P.S. The Historical Vehicle Tag in VA looks like a old VA plate from back in the days. I think its pretty nice. Alot better than NC laws.
  4. Yeah looks like all it needs is paint. What a beautiful truck!
  5. Your only catch with insurance if you want full coverage like some of us have, most antique insurance companies want a CDL if it has air brakes. Another issue is storing it in a secure indoor building. My insurance company ( antique full coverage ) does not require a CDL but does want the truck indoors and secure. ( renting a storage unit would work) . Continental Western Group out of MN 1800 533 0303 , gnelson@cwgins.com P.S. In VA you can get the Historic Vehicle tag , the black one , real cheap for the lifetime of the vehicle. Thats what they guy had on my Mack when I bought it from him.
  6. I talked to the guy in CO that list them and co-owns them with Jack. Seems like all they do is get them and re-sell them. Same thing with the red B model they had together. Im sure the same thing will happen this time the auction ends. Its growing on me.
  7. Ive been to shows out west where I had the only Mack there.. and just about the only one with spoke hubs.
  8. I havent had a chance to watch it yet but you figure a half hour show, split in 3 parts with other stories , Mack was only going to get but a few minutes. The Under Cover Boss TV show was Very Very good about Mack trucks to me. It even coverd some of our concerns about Volvo and the future of Mack and still showing some history. Im with ya EM6285 , they should get a full hour with half of the hour about the history and the other half about now and the future of Mack would be great on Ultimate Factories!
  9. Sounds like a longgg but Fun day!
  10. Yeah , it was on ebay a few times by the guy in CT that has a bunch of old Macks. I think I posted it on here when it was.
  11. Shes back for sale again .. This time with a few bids.
  12. 10-4, Il be at work but I got it set to record.
  13. I read thats why they chopped them down for a better ride. It was a great article. Yeah Don Smith owns them , says he's from Greensboro. Do you have any shots of inside the cab? They should have shown some interior shots in WOT.
  14. Only 15,500 man
  15. Did you add the sleeper later ? Is / was your a tandem axle?
  16. I know about that Sherman , thats pretty cool. It is good to have a dream buddy.
  17. Ebay or post it here for sale once you pull it. Il bet someone would want it even to sit in the back of the garage.
  18. Rob , thats funny. Paul , its sad that the ones in Europe will probably never be restored and will fade away due ot the high cost. Im glad you saw the Ebay one, it wasnt an uparmoured one if I remember right.
  19. There was one in the US on ebay last week with the trailer.
  20. well lets see , your right hatcity, he's a good fit. A Dodge 2500 would be an easy match up for a EH .. id think.
  21. David , as I was reading it I thought, oh crap he's going to get eaten alive by some of thease guys. Im for having an antique Mack the way it left the factory. So I got nothing to add but wouldnt a 70's R model Mack be a better truck to chop up and do that with? Theres a million more of them than a original rust free EH.
  22. I aired all my tires to the exact same PSI , I wasnt able to drive it after I did that but do you think that could be an issue for mine hopping is having a diff PSI up to 10 pounds diff in each tire? Sorry to ask a question in your thread Leversole. Im with rhasler, could it be you had the wheel spun up to fast to miss the spot?
  23. Finding a fat girl my wife approves of to tie to the back of my trucks another issue...
  24. I have #997 in a 66' U that looks close to it. Mines not as nice by far. What I really like about it also is the sleeper on yours, thats just perfect.
  25. I like Night Train too. The the round nose trailer aint bad either.
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