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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Il look today when I go to the garage and look.
  2. Update, I found a guy with 4 virgin 90% tread lug tires I bought today pretty cheap. Guess il be mounting 4 tires now but it sure will look alot better with them too. So , I will have two barely used 10.00 tires , highway tread with no cracks or weather checking if anyone needs them. Also a PTO set up off the Mack.
  3. I did , thats what threw me off, they are somewhat fresh rubber. maybe a big bump in the road with nothing on the rear end did it.
  4. I spotted 2. The 1st one is on Truck Trader or Truck Paper for sale too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36474602@N06/6202481718/in/set-72157627673047595 http://www.flickr.com/photos/36474602@N06/6202454490/in/set-72157627673047595 U's arent a model you see at shows. At least some of the ones ive seen or been to.
  5. They were new... 4 months ago so I cant say old tire. They are on the rear end. What are you guys paying that are running the 10.00 tires for a new tire? Lug or Highway.
  6. I have two tires that have splits like this right on the tread of the tire. They are in a couple diff locations. I put a bolt on each side to show it. What would cause this and is it ok to run? They are 10.00-20 tubed tires. Would tthe cold weather cause this? --- Help
  7. Would they really get 3 to 5 k in scrap? Sure is a nice looking one , I hope someone gets it too and pulls it with a old Mack.
  8. Damm , my arm wears out on the hood, for you to do all that it looks great , and you can say "I DID IT" with a big smile. Bob im not a big LT fan , I wouldnt turn one down at all , just not a big fan of them.
  9. I think the economy is the issue .
  10. I doubt anyone will bit on it at 2,900 anyways. Also everyone knows the reserves high so theres no point at bidding.
  11. Shes back up gain for a fair price im guessing this time But, im sure the reserve is 8k or so. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MACK-1948-LT-SUPER-RARE-NO-RESERVE-/260884550123?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3cbdee51eb
  12. A truck built with Mexican parts , assembled in NC , and sold to Europe.
  13. I wish it was closer, id buy it for sure.
  14. They acted like my old Mack was a POS while I was there. Told me to go off and park around the building.. no kidding. and I still use their damm oil .
  15. Piss on thier calender.
  16. Most places like that I have tried also just buying the whole truck never works out. I did get my two mirrors in today and they are way better than I was told on the phone. I talked with James in parts and he did me real good , and they only took a couple days to arrive.
  17. I think its a 65' or 66'. I like the sleeper!
  18. I looked at a old Mason Dixon truck a while back that looked just like it. They ran a ton of U's.
  19. Im going to have to heat the lower one. The top came out with a few bad words , two nuts, and a wrench. The bottom il get to tomorrow. Il heat it and try that. I used two nuts on it and started to strip one out.
  20. I got my propane torch out a few minutes ago. I tried vice grips earlier. Im going to try the two bolts idea now. I did that while replacing a stud in my hub.
  21. Like nothing is ever near me when its so cheap.
  22. I thought so , this is going to sound like I dont know much but what can I use to get them out without hurting the tranny case?
  23. I found a 9 27 65 .. I think , theres more but the flash light I was using crapped out. I have another question , whats the deal with thease two long bolts sticking out?
  24. Everyone cant drive a R model Bob ha ha
  25. Why did his price go up?
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