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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Honest question , who collects antique or modern Volvo trucks? Im not surprised there. Cant wait to see the pictures.
  2. Nice to hear you have one. I run one the same on my U600 from 1966.
  3. Thanks Rob. I see another guy started a new thread about his. I have only seen the one I have and maybe one other in a early 50's Mack H cherry picker in person. I guess the guy has one in his B also. Couple questions , how long did Mack run them in trucks? Why would a person choose the 9 sp duplex over the 10 sp duplex of the same time? Thanks
  4. On tranny topics, how good is the 9sp O.D. duplex?
  5. Its without core. Its not the exact same one thats on my truck im told. They charged about 300 more , its $1070.00 and I keep mine.
  6. David its the new 2012 Volvo. The L model looks like a real nice truck then they gave up and rattle canned the fenders and what not.
  7. rhasler, where are you from or was the show? The White fire truck is pretty nice. I guess il be the first to ask what happen to the Mack? Custom fenders and bumper?
  8. 10-4 . Anyone know why a air compressor that goes on the 711 engine would be around 700 bucks??
  9. Im no help here but I wish you well and hop its a simple fix. My trucks in the shop now having a new compressor put on it.
  10. Like I said id like to have one, after never seeing one at shows that I have been to it would sure be one people would look at - Jay
  11. .. Whens the cut off date for the pictures?
  12. I like it, would be another odd duck to have.
  13. I have a question, why would Ford build a cab like that then add the sleeper after it was built? Its the same sleeper I see on the Ford cabover's that have the N model Mack cabs that you add to it. As a matter of fact im guessing it was a cost saving thing. Its the entire cab. You can see the finder well coverd up
  14. Hope it holds up better than CAts factory crap.
  15. Now thats funny ha ha
  16. Well im re reading mine now. Thank you for the update. - I just re read mine and it doesnt cover Volcano lava.... hahahaha kidding , good laugh to start the day.
  17. Glad to see you bought it
  18. I agree. Where would you find the orignal engine for it if you ever could restore it?
  19. Might not be the same but in NC it has to be under 10k lbs for an antique tag.
  20. Nice truck, the engine would be a bump in the road for me but the truck looks amazing.
  21. I understand how air brakes work. I will take a picture for you guys tomorrow to explain the thing more. The " flipper valve" is the wet dry valve just like the ones on top the dash of the later R models and is labled the same.
  22. The build sheets show it as a tractor, I have the tractor brake , then the protection valve. The protection valve acts as the trailer brake knob...
  23. Yeah the only thing I have is the tractor brake knob and the wet dry road selector and thats the way it was built I think.
  24. Bob , im going ot PM you to pick your brain over that. Im glad that my trucks not all wrong. Id have to say it looks pretty stock in the set up.
  25. Id have to go look , I dont remember off my head.
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