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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Id love a Wig Wag myself, when did Mack stop using them in new trucks?
  2. I need some info on what a good choice to put a air brake control vale on a 66' U600. Next to my driver seat as you guys know is the controls , well I have a trailer brake button for my tractor park brakes and for the trailer brake is what looks to be the tractor protection switch for wet roads. Id like to have the right things and im lost as to what to look for or do. OR am I missing something that Mack did. It looks correct (exept the trailer brake button) from the factory. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BENDIX-MV3-801036-15012679-AIR-BRAKE-DASH-CONTROL-VALVE-/230670627018?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b50a70ca Should I buy something like this or do something diff. Do they make just the buttons you can buy so I can at least change the Tractor Park brake button back to yellow?
  3. Are you keeping all 50? If not why not let some guys here move/buy some of them from you and you can use the money to move the rest. We all would be saving them. What woudl a guy be doing with over 100 just B models. Thats a record for sure.
  4. Looks like a Pete Sleeper....
  5. Yeah id take a stab at it.. lucky bull-dog
  6. Sorry yeah I forgot the house hold central air floor and ceiling vents.
  7. Thank you. I am waiting to hear back from them and Continental Western out of MN. The thing that pissed me off so much was Grundy saying older Mack trucks arent worth insuring.
  8. Paul, 1 KW C.O.E. 2 House hold Fridge Boxes 1 Detroit Engine 8 rolls duct tape 4 card board tubes And a whole staff at the court house to write up the title ( Like the Johnny Cash song ) Looks like the push cars in Jamaca in the movie Cool Runnings.
  9. Whats the diff? I looked at the pictures and I wasnt sure. Jay
  10. Sure hope it shows up at a show im at one day!
  11. haha , Thanks Nice to see the whole thing.
  12. im in for 100.
  13. Heres a picture I wanted to share with you guys, Jay
  14. God , the turn signals on the one next to it make the grill look good..
  15. Id like to see pictures. The LJ's are one of my all taim fav. Macks. I want one with the Mack Diesel.
  16. I thought I tried them , I will double check. Thanks for that tip also. Edit - Doesnt J.C. Taylor require them to be in show room ground up restoration?
  17. Thats great , Thank you very very much. Im calling them in the A.M. , Jay
  18. Good, im running the Power Service now like I have been doing. Should I run the gray bottle and white Diesel Fuel Supplement® +Cetane Boost® at the same time or swap?
  19. Randy, I told my wife about your R running backwards. wow man Anyone ever see the R model golf carts? There was one on craigslist a while back. I hear they were kits you can add to a golf cart. They looked real nice.
  20. P.S. Condon and Skelly antique vehicle insurance wont insure big trucks - I understand that one. Gulfway wont insure me for another year. I had a speeding ticket 4 years ago (only one ever) and you have to have a perfect record for 5 years.
  21. Well I tried for an insurance quote and ifo with Grundy Collector Insurance company for my antique trucks. Maybe I took the (im sure auto reply) reply from them a little wrong but I figured id let you guys know not to waste your time. Heres my reply from them. Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 12:36 PM Subject: RE: Insurance Quote Submission Dear Mr. Bennett, Thank you for submitting your information to the Grundy Insurance underwriting department. Unfortunately, we are unable to insure this vehicle because it does not have any significant collector status and will not qualify for our program. This program is designed for collector and antique vehicles used and maintained for those purposes. We wish you the best in finding the appropriate coverage for this vehicle. Respectfully, GRUNDY INSURANCE --- So antique Mack trucks are not of collector status nor an Antique or collector vehicle. ---
  22. I agree on pics , they say 1000 words
  23. I need to toss up a pic for you guys of my steer tires, I dont think they are bad, ive put 2k miles on them in the last week but they have a little weather checking but are Nice tires, Jay P.S. Try ebay. I found almost brand new virgin Goodyear tubeless tires on the rim for 120 each came off a wrecked new fire truck.
  24. Yopu can still beat the brakes off both , but the Macks wayyy cheaper.
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