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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Thats the one I was thinking of, its one of my fav's or stupid truck sellers.
  2. Thanks for posting, Im interested also to hear from the big dogs?
  3. To combine the two threads , http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/20282-relisted-mh-613/
  4. Ken I fully agree. I hope it stays here and home. I think its great for history also , seeing how Mack used it as a test truck for many many years.
  5. Thanks guys, im not giving up but this is par for the course at this Napa. He even told me to try another Napa.... wow. Just had to vent . I called a couple muffler shops and didnt have any luck but I can try more tomorrow as its Monday , im also going to call Fleet Pride and a couple places you guys have said. Worst case il have to order it so thats not bad.
  6. Where do you guys buy sections of exhaust pipe from, thats easy to get? I need a 5 ft or so section. Ok , my short story begins with Napa. My wife talked to them yesterday and the Beaner/Mexican American on the phone says they dont sell Semi truck exhaust pipes... we know better. So I get on Napa's crappy web site to one up the store guy , I ended up talking to a chat guy on Napa's crappy site and he gave me the part number after 20 minutes of chatting of a 4 in OD pipe. I go into the store 20 min away , thinking HA , I got em. So I meet 3 Mexicans behind the counter, 2 were on the phone in Spanish with who knows just talking. Then I get the last one. I tell him what im looking for, ( Get This ) He tells me they dont sell Commercial Truck Parts ... I pointed to the Commercial Truck Sign on a desk accross the store then whip out my paper with the Napa part # . He looks it up and goes wow , I didnt know we sold stuff like that. Then I find out the pipes 10 ft long and he cant look up smaller sections. ... Jesus... I know I can cut down a 10 ft section , then I pay double for the pipe and only need half. So im going to try again tomorrow, just wanted to see if theres any place like Fleet Pride that can help..
  7. Double normally what they sell for to us, and they buy junk.. real junk for double what we would pay for also.
  8. I didnt know ATF would work , a friend of mine was running off road in a diesel pick up and got his tank dipped some how and got fined big. They also checked his diesel big truck at home. NC said if one of your vehicles test positive then they can check all of your trucks for off road fuel. - Never had that problem or looked into it more than that. Il just run the diesel kleen for now, I will look up the Siloo , Howes, and Stanadyne also.
  9. The advice I have gotton from guys like Rob are well worth a donation for the forum , Jay
  10. I didnt know if I should be adding anything to the fuel of my Mack diesel from the 60's?
  11. I really like the F Model day cab! Sure wish it was closer and I had a little more room. Heres a run down, some of us know about some of them. 1985 Mack MH613 ULTRA- LINER - Mack Plant Truck http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1985-MACK-ULTRA-LINER-MH613-CABOVER-DAYCAB-/130563838173?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item1e663610dd Mack CA38 F Model http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mack-CA38-F-Model-/260838419770?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item3cbb2e6d3a 1947 MACK FIRE TRUCK, WITH SPARE ENGINE. RARE CAB http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1947-MACK-FIRE-TRUCK-SPARE-ENGINE-RARE-CAB-/110732490413?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item19c82bb6ad 1974 Rare ValueLiner Mack Tandem 400 Horse Power http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1974-Rare-ValueLiner-Mack-Tandem-400-Horse-Power-/360387906808?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item53e8cb0cf8 1922 Mack Bulldog Model AC http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Other-Makes-AC-1922-Mack-Bulldog-Model-AC-/200642185039?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item2eb734c74f
  12. Run a Volvo scrap drive O.D.
  13. I JuSt changed the oil in the U600 today , we used Rotella 15w-40 , the Mack tranny , 90w GL-4 will be done tomorrow. Also changed the oil in the air filter base 15w-40 Rotella .
  14. Thats exactly why I asked. I didnt know if we could help share the load of cost to help and upgrade the site. Id be willing to help.
  15. Barry , On the cost of the site , who pays for that?
  16. The picture comes up one more time of the B and R theres going to be a B61 or U600 hooked to it towning it home. I really like those two trucks, I wish we could get some where with them. To the thread : We had good luck with.... Volvo's , yeah .. I know but we had a Volvo excavator and keep up with the daily PM's and never had a down day that I was there. Also ran a Volvo rock truck and it was pretty good also.
  17. Davids right, on another note - MR Salt Truck will be on ebay soon .
  18. Some likes Chrome and the Deadlest Catch TV show
  19. Africans pay bigger prices than some of us do for those trucks. I have talked with truck dealers and they are selling some dogged out worked over Macks for way higher prices than we are willing to pay. I figured 6k would have been a good price for it.
  20. Wonder what it will sell for? IM sure its going to Africa.
  21. Congrats Rob and to your family!
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