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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Heres a pretty cool one for collectors I think. Ready for shows. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1985-MACK-ULTRA-LINER-MH613-CABOVER-DAYCAB-/130563838173?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item1e663610dd
  2. Bob , yeah after the ATHS Lincolnton show my wife wants one bad. Very bad. I found a green R model golf cart a few months ago I wish i tried harder to buy.
  3. Mine wants a golf cart to ride around trucks shows now, that whats shes looking for.
  4. A local mixer company has a fleet of them near by.
  5. Does that tip work on other trucks like the B's , R's , U, 's , etc?
  6. I thought wives cured the antique truck collecting addiction , just get married and you will stop or slow way down ah ha ha.
  7. It does look like a older resto. And I do see the rad and shroud. Needs a grill that can be found, anyone think this is a original tractor? Ive never seen a 5th wheel like that.
  8. 2 more pictures
  9. A friend of mine found a 1939 Ford truck for sale , I figured some of you guys might want to see it. He thinks its all original , missing the radiator and front grill. The owner says it runs. And the interior he said looks perfect. Its for sale near Raleigh , NC
  10. Thanks. I will play with it tomorrow when I get off and see what i can find. Sounds simple.
  11. Its mislisted as a Ford.. but it looks to be a pretty nice DM Mack. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-1969-MACK-DM-600-/290599247919?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item43a910a02f -Side note. I have the same warning light on the dash of my U600 and it wont go off , any ideas how to track it down to fix it?
  12. Seems like he didnt paint under the fenders or anything also. Id just like to see more of the truck.
  13. hahahahaha
  14. I wonder why he put a 711 in it myself. Id really like to see more pictures.
  15. Found this B42 with a 711 on Ebay today. Looks like a nice truck , id love to see more if they fully restored it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1960-Mack-B-42-/220832119551?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item336a9ebaff
  16. Ooooh ahhh , air ride. Ive never had the pleasure of owning a truck with air ride. Im sure my butt and back will thank me for it in a few years. Im jelous. Glad to hear its not fatiging metal and its air ride. Its sounds like you got alot of truck for a great price.
  17. No kidding, id like to know more myself. I cant find the Need Help thread about it.
  18. Thats a great story. I went back and looked at your pictures about 10 times while reading it.
  19. Great pics, I really enjoy seeing trucks from a while back. Makes me want a F model even more! Whats the story with the IH and the long load with the cool looking beam mover?
  20. Anyone looking for cabs? I never seen that many off the trucks before. Did they come frome scrap wrecked trucks? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mack-Day-Cab-Shells-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem415bebc437QQitemZ280715052087QQptZOtherQ5fVehicleQ5fParts
  21. Yes it was white and black. She made it yellow to match the Mack's colors but we changed that also. Thanks for explaining it about the tags. Thats pretty cool. We have a smaller tag aslo I will put a picture up. ,Jay
  22. Great story! As a firefighter I really enjoy older trucks like that one. I would love to own one myself.
  23. I agree on the swapping tires for a sale. From what I learned here from you guys and from in person when looking at the R cabs , its fatigue. Just old metal. When they were new they sat level. It looks a like a solid truck for a pretty good price!
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