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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. I wish I could see one in person , I really like em.
  2. I see you made it to the truck show, Brad has some nice trucks. Sitting behind the wheel going through the gears of the Snowman KW is once in a life time fun .
  3. Sure wish Mack made a truck like that again
  4. So what ever happen since 2008 ,Larry? I was curious about them too, I learned a little but then it dropped off in 2008
  5. Piss on that guy , I like you guys more and more for your normal thinking and love of Mack trucks, what a great group to be in.
  6. That Mack sure has a lot of class.
  7. Looks like a nice old truck , would be fun to have.
  8. Yep , a IH with CAT logo's. They have some ugly trucks in the US, don't see any on the road
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-Mack-Truck-Flatbed-Dump-1942-antique-mack-truck-rat-rod-barn-find-restoration-project-/331079002733?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4d15d8aa6d&item=331079002733&pt=US_Cars_TrucksAnother old Bulldog on ebay,
  10. Yes, I believe the new Macks they run now have them also?
  11. Id like to have a USPS one with batt start.
  12. CCW permit holder here also, if the Gestapo reads this oh well. When seconds count , Police are only minutes away Maddog
  13. Hussain Obama loved him ... that's why
  14. Bunch of Bulldogs in CT too. I tried to post the links but I cant
  15. On that note, are there any sleeper cab Granites? Like a small sleeper... I like the looks of those with the Rawhide ALOT better than any of the Vision trucks.
  16. Id LOVE a day cab S/A F model. Where did you find it for sale? CL ,etc ?
  17. Yeah it was stripped out a month ago , you got me.
  18. It is in great shape to be restored, 12,000 for a truck that yard drives with real nice tires and no rust damage It didn't have an interior 3 weeks ago so im not sure the the ad is talking about. All the metal is there like seat frames dash and gauge panel. No head liner, the usual things. Its on auction now so I hope it goes for a correct fair value, unless he put a reserve. Truck was starting to be restored buy a old man, he passed away and a - tiny side of the road, used truck dealer bought it and a Peterbuilt from the family, is the story on it.
  19. I tried to make the guy a offer last month, ive seen it in person. insulting.
  20. 9 dollars for its not bad lol , scraps more than that. Oh wait...9 grand . I have to drive a Freightliner for work....
  21. Wish that was me in I95 near Ft Lee , VA
  22. Il take the Blue B61
  23. Sure wish I could find one in that ball park of a price, Id spend up to 7 or so grand for one if it was close
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