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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. I have drivin new 09' D6 LGP and a D9R for Waste Industries ill have to say my old 43' D2 Crawler.
  2. Mark , right on 301 in Rocky Mount. Im taking it to a shop at 830 to have them see if the clutch needs adjusting or a new one. If it needs a new one im out and someone else can look it over. Like it said the cabs real bad inside and out but the trucks pretty solid with some nice re caps on all the rears. When are you coming back through? I was in Roanoke Rapids yesterday also.
  3. Thanks for the info , im pretty nervous about buying it now. Its at a truck dealer. Anyone near Rocky Mount , NC today?
  4. No , it shifts and feals ok to me other than that. Nice and tight.
  5. Im looking at buying a R600 in the morning with a Maxi 5 speed and I drove it today and you have to let the clutch almost all the way out to get it to move. Any red flags or am I having a brain fart? Shes a real dog and will need alot of work .
  6. Taunton, Massachusetts to Kenly , NC . Tandem axle truck , 25 ft long , im guessing 8 1/2 feet tall. Anyone around here need a quick load? If I cant get it hauled soon ill have to pass on buying it.
  7. Ok Mark , who is she , age dont matter today only-
  8. Other dog, ill tell yall how that one rides. My wife watched Save the last Dance today and I couldnt sit through half the movie. If the role was reversed and a black girl been in a white part of town it would have been a racist movie by far. But cuse they were black they can say things like "you people" meaning whites and everyone be ok with it. Sorry for my kind of off topic rant.
  9. I met Bruce yesterday , ill be there for sure.
  10. I love the steering wheel , thats a step above the ones from the 90's and early 2000's. A few years you can buy them at a ABF auction and the cycle will hopefully continue.
  11. Ran when parked. That trees unbelievable , it looks 100 years old.
  12. Mark , I forgot until I saw your name about that trailer. Thanks for not forgetting
  13. "over priced used junk" Yeah ive been trailer shopping for months now and im suprised to see trailers like the Kaufman for around that somthing used sells for or less. I like the Blue B model also . I dont see too many blue ones.
  14. You guys are the luckyest with the bikini car washes. I havent seen one of those near me in a couple years. I just want to take my truck once!
  15. My B61 was sold to a company in Williamsport ,PA New in 60'.
  16. Write or email or call? , The Mack Museum , give them the Vin and they can give you all the history of the truck and more.
  17. Needs Antique trailer for Mack

    1. vision386


      hey jay what kinda' trailer you looking for? there are a few around my way i can check on.

  18. Id like to paint my interior also , where did you get your paint? I at least want to touch it up.
  19. Mike , Ill take some pictures of mine in a few. Mine has a new latch and all but still wont stay shut , a bump in the road and it slowly pops open. Picture added . Im no help.
  20. And theres 2 known things what will make me puke.
  21. Thad , 10-4
  22. Thaddeus , never heard the song huh?
  23. I was amazed also. I mailed in cash when I asked for my info, But I have another VIN for them to check out now.
  24. In the words of poet Johnny Rebel " I like chrildren and I like tea But ..."
  25. jaysm35a2


    My free T moble phone from 2 years ago with my plan takes pictures. well real crappy ones. I cant have a nice phone , I drop mine at least 1 or 2 times a day. And im not cool enough for the holster on my hip.
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