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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Time always makes stuff for sale one way or another. If I had the money also id probbaly get it going and drive it home.
  2. When did you want to go pick up the B73 Mark?
  3. When he has it 20 years from now or his kid that wants quick money 20 years from now sadly it will be too far gone. I want to see where he saw one sold for 130K. I need to sell there.
  4. Very Afro Engineered
  5. http://asheville.craigslist.org/cto/1773121487.html I wish I had enough money id go buy it now.
  6. Shoot ill sell him a used R for 130,000 and move to the Philippines and retire off one truck. Hell they didnt sell new for near that.
  7. http://richmond.craigslist.org/cto/1810772448.html , Ill put this one up for the hell of it.
  8. Ok theres a 59' B on Craigslist in NC , anyone from PA on here thats going ot buy it? I talked to the owner and he said someones coming with a truck and going to haul it away from PA , anyone here?
  9. Shall we hold a Truck show near 95 at the VA NC line. Seems like alot of people in this area or could be. Ill drive up that way if you get some free time-
  10. Well said, And to help I can send pictures or show it or whatever Paul needs. It would have torn me up to see it hauled to the scrap yard. No kidding, it was going to be on the way within the week. They had already had a chain on it and started to pull some of the junk out of the cab.
  11. Gerheart truck looks like it has a deep freezer under the hood.
  12. I bought the truck for Paul Van Scott. I bought it and Paul paid me back and he will be restoring it. Im glad its going to a good home also. The cab is all there just has some bad rust in spots but im going to finish cleaning it out today. It was held down by about 100 miles of bryers from where I pulled it out.
  13. Id love to have a Big Mack B with a Allison in it.
  14. Well , I'm half way through chapter two if the Sleeper B that was found. This is chapter 1 - http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?showtopic=14154 I took a old 6x6 over to pull out the B61 , didn't happen. It looked like I dug in beach sand. So option 2 showed up 2 hours later. We winched and steered Blue Beauty onto the roll back for the trip home. I had to pull the B61 straight onto the tralier with the 6x6. The old IH has to stop on the way here to changed the fuel filter as it was bogging down pretty bad. I'm going to start cleaning it out later on today after it cools off some. Enjoy the pictures.
  15. Ill come meet you with the Mack and then you can tell her you just bought it. Theres a bunch of stuff in Raleigh , how long will you be there , for the full week?
  16. WOW a auto B. Those restorations are amazing. You can eat off the tires on do open heart sugery off the floor.
  17. Watts Mack sells the new canister to change it to a dry filter. The oil bath works alot better though , Jay
  18. They probably thought it was abandoned with it looking run down with the rusty hub caps. Funny me.
  19. Man that Challenger or Big boy looks like its taking its Bulldogs for a walk. Thats a awsome picture!
  20. They werent very help full and I asked them to let me see it(preview) and I didnt get an ansewer. If it goes back up for sale on egay again ill go after it. Edit - I wanted to add im suprised nothing on ebay in the antique Mack stuff really brings any money. Not only thin but non of the L's, B's, and such seem to bring much if anything.
  21. Gambi , Ill take one for the guys on the forum and find out if she does.
  22. Thats the funniest thing I heard all night!
  23. God dont get me started about LA. I wont step foot back in CA due to that stupid ass town and the dumb ass immagrant population. (My opinion ) Forgot to say , nice pics OtherDog , I dont know witch one I like more.
  24. Yeah , sell your trucks so you can go buy trucks. Great Spam.
  25. Id like to win it. If it weighs 26K I think scrap would be around 1500 - 1800 bucks. Im in to it for about 2K. Maybe more if they would ever respond to my questions.
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