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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. You have a picture of one of the oldmacks.com trucks. Its for sale in a diff country. Ship it home -
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110546037818&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Whats a good price for this one? I was high bidder and plan on bidding again. They dont seem to ansewer questions at all. Ive emailed them twice.
  3. I smell a new topic, ATHS , the good and bad?
  4. What are they doing just nit picking trucks? And is every state a differnt time ?
  5. Chrysler, like the car company? Dont they own Freightliner?
  6. I was going to ask , being kind of a un-happy member* with ATHS what do the lobby for us antique truckers in dark Washington? *Having paid 2 months ago and never got anything in the mail and called them 3 times to ask wheres my welcome packet, magazines, and whatever else.
  7. Semen storage shipping container for overseas shipments of large loads.
  8. Im buying it now but working a deal for more than one but owner said the others are well well well used. Thanks for getting the auction out there. All you guys will be bidding against me. Ha ha ha
  9. Seriously, 12K? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1978-CUSTOM-MACK-TRUCK-Ride-Show-CHOPPED-LOWERED-/110545492995?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item19bd065c03
  10. Thats a good ball park , between 12-17K with options. My build sheet says that mine was deliverd with no mirriors. Guess it was cost saving. But looks like it has some things on the build sheet that cost extra or more.
  11. Hey , I was wondering what did just a regular single axle B 61 cost new back in the 50's or 60's? Just a ball park. I wanted to put that info on my display - Thanks
  12. Thats so true and funny, Thanks for posting the pic and thank you for posting the video. Obama helping, ive got some ocean front property in Arizona.
  13. They make a Harkey Davidson Edition everything dont they? I like the classic ,future look of the Lone Star. At least it doesnt look like a car like the new Frieghtliners.
  14. Well to all , I got the deal on the B61. So its not going to be scrapped or torn up , maybe during a restoration. -
  15. I run the 30 W , id be all over that myself. Maybe I should start shopping for oil now.
  16. Anyone coming from the South?
  17. Looks good Spec. , You need a M1114 and ditch the M998. Stay safe.
  18. Ill have to drive my truck to Hooters one time. I need some pictures of some fine women with the Mack. Seems like Bikini car/truck washes arent around anymore. Anymore pictures of the Bulldog eating the Cat on the side of the hood? I like that decal.
  19. Not a fan either, but the best of two evils in my Opinion is the Black one cuse when your driving it at least you can think your in a R model.
  20. Man that A40 takes the cake.
  21. Noticed the blonde in the pink thong bikini...
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1958-Mack-B-73-Dumptruck-Tractor-/220619716930?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item335df5b942 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1989-R-Model-Mack-/120581869011?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item1c133d4dd3 While im at it-
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1978-CUSTOM-MACK-TRUCK-Ride-Show-CHOPPED-LOWERED-/110545492995?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item19bd065c03
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