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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Im sure truckers passing by when the Mack was out front were happy to see somthing good on the lot. They were closed but I would have like to asked if they drive it. Does'nt look like it-
  2. I it should have 4 6V batts right , or will 2 new 12V's work ?
  3. 1st ill start with, this might be a dumb question but it will make me feal better to ask it. When you crank your B61 after it sitting for a week or two does yours fire right up? Mine seems to sometimes and others it takes a few tries to get it going. I hit the start button and it goes thunk , or cranks just about then dies. Then I do it a 2nd time and it fires up. But almost all the time it cranks right up. Anyone wanna comment on the old dog?
  4. I took the B61 out with the wife again today and passed a IH dealer with this one out side. There was a Scout in front of it. -
  5. 10-4 , ha ha. Ill take a girl with the tramp stamp to sit on my pass. seat. Gotta be easier.
  6. Ill need pictures of said tramp stamps. Ill need a seat cover for the pass. seat in my B that has one. ha ha
  7. I agree, yes Mack's name was said twice during the episode. It could have been a CCC and noone would have noticed by just saying the name a few times. Maybe im wrong but I dont see anyone who watched Sliced running out and buying a new Mack just from that. I hope it really did more good than bad like the rest of us. What might have helped was informing the public about the exaust but they have those on RD's,CX's, and other makes/brands also.The truck made the customer happy already, even if it was'nt ripped up on TV. I got lucky at the TA truck stop the other day, I found Mack quarter fender mud flaps(not high quality but nice) that I bought and some mud flap weights like in my picture.
  8. Armor All Wipes work pretty good.. ha ha. Bet he will say it rides real good empty too.
  9. I guess tilting the cab doesn't make for good TV so "hero" cut the cab in half to get to the hydraulic lines. I think they could have easily used a older CCC , Volvo , GMC/White and done the same thing and gotton the same effect with viewers. I think my TV might have stopped recording after he took the truck for a joy ride , did I miss anything and did they talk about Mack trucks at all? -
  10. Watching it now , cant beleive they cut up a (2010) Mack TerraPro. The host said it was just off a route when it was cut up. I can see why they thought it was more "Monster Garage" with using hevy equipment. - Forgot to say thanks for the heads up also. I had to pause it cuse my wife wanted to watch TV , ill have to finish later. Im looking forward to hearing Mack talk about the truck .
  11. They turned out nice. Now im mounting 4 better tires on the back to ill have to re paint the back.
  12. To Help , in NC , anything at all over 10,000 lbs has to go accross the scales. No matter who you are. Again , thats from NC Highway Patrol. Is that always enforced... no , but I wouldnt tempt fate either.
  13. I drove my B61T from PA to NC 2 months ago and I only had a temp tag, it has a Antique tag here in NC now. Nothing elses needed in my state or the states I drove through(per Hwy Patrolman). I did stop for scales and all.-
  14. Gives you a reason to drive a B model , if only 3 feet for the day. I used a foam brush for the ring , my wife painted the mack logos on. -
  15. Im going with a coffe can now. Heres the picture of the new rims, the only casualty of the project was a pair of safety glasses.
  16. Your B looks just like mine, same year also. Bet you dont know the serial num. do you? I wonder how close they were in production.
  17. Anyone know the point of a rain cap on a stack? Cuse im lost. I put one on when I got the truck (rained 2 days ago) and cranked the truck to move it to paint rims and I had so much water come flying out after it cranked it wasnt funny. I had to hose off the truck and wipe what I could of the carbon water up. - P.S. The rims are looking good, ill post pics in a little bit.
  18. No , yours looks good. I saw a B67 on a web site that had it done but they were way brighter red along with some other things like quarter fenders. While I have a can im going to try red also. I have a set of lug nut covers that cover the smaller nuts inside the rim -
  19. I have the outside ring on one side painted gray/silver along with the inner rim. Now I have to paint the outside with the color. I like the red idea also, do you think it will turn out too Christmas'y on a Mack green B? -
  20. Well , I took the advice and started the re-paint and it looks alot better. I should have it done as long as the weather is nice tomorrow. I will put up a picture when one is done.
  21. Now my wife did out line the Mack name on the rims and all but somthing does'nt make me happy. Yet when I go out and look at them they look ok to me. Fun Fun
  22. I was looking for some advice on what to do about painting my rims on the B61. I have them 99% finished painted (needs touched up)but I see so many B models painted with the green rim and the gray on the ring and inside. Id like advice on what looks better. Keep them the way they are or go with option B - Thanks -
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