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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. I can store it in CO if anyone needs help.
  2. You should look at the Scania antique truck forum and the many groups of collector clubs here in the US. Nice seeing some European trucks for a change. I saw quite a bit on my last deployment.
  3. I had the same issue, does your air dryer make any noise at all? Do you hear any air leaks?
  4. Randy wow, that's what you were talking about! Sends us all a little lesson to be more safe.
  5. Id over pay for it , I really like the F day cabs and its a S/A too.
  6. Or having a load behind it sure does help , Jay
  7. This guys selling a Mack LT , with the usual threat of il scrap it if it doesn't bring what I want. But if anyone wants it I have a place to store it if need be until you can make the trip to get it home. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1952-MACK-LT-/151100075442?pt=Commercial_Trucks&hash=item232e442db2&vxp=mtr
  8. In bad weather I like a tandem , but I sure love the S/A's
  9. Yeah right guys, most of the Macks are back east. Try finding a old stock Mack on CL out this way? If that truck wasn't that far (1177.48 mi) id buy it very fast. Id spend 3k on it even though I want a B61.
  10. Yeah , I can help anyone make contact with the guy during the week. The tag axle set up looks like a good one.
  11. That's why I wanted to post it here so it gets saved because of the body. its not like he's going to cut it up anytime soon but its just something that will get cut up some day. The other earlier H model I found in Denver's cab is pretty bad.
  12. Thanks Thomas for welcoming him, CRICHARDSON your in the right place to get the info you need. Shoot some details like they said, VIN and a picture of the truck would go far.
  13. Here's the down side , he said the motor and trans are good, but in one of his shops on the property. Id say scrap price since he wants to scrap it , Pueblo , CO off I25 about 15 mi.
  14. Id buy one!
  15. Sometimes it pays to get lost looking for a trailer im suppose to pick up. Passed a junk yard and spotter the H roof over the fence. The body is in great shape. The tag axle was bolted on , I don't see any junky welds that hurt it from taking that off and making it original. He asked why in the hell would I want that old thing , and he said he wanted to cut it up for scrap. He "cant sell it as a truck" , but , it could be bought as a truck as I walked away his mind changed. Anyone interested that would want the info and would restore it ?
  16. Why not export it like you do with the Macks?
  17. I saw my first one blow today on I25 in Castle Rock CO. HVH truck was running 70mph, and I was 150 yrds behind him in my truck and BAM , it went and the mud flap too. It scared the car right behind it off the road. First time for me. Oh and I stopped by Colorado Mack/Bruckners in Denver to look for a new hat. They had a nice Granite id would have killed to drive home. A order of 10 for a Power Company.
  18. The are made in China , I think if I remember right. I tried looking but the tags in my Mack hats are worn down to nothing. Il still order more, have to wear one when I drive a KW truck at work.
  19. Thanks for the discount, Id say the hats are a bit over priced and they really don't last long if you wear them daily. The discount helps the price and all , thanks again
  20. Those seem to be good prices.
  21. Theres one indoors off I70 in Denver, Forney trans museum
  22. Anyone remember how white people rioted all over the US after OJ got away with murder of white people? Nope... didn't think so...
  23. Frozen bread and mustard ... went to Sterling Prison , CO . My dad got to ride in the truck with me so it was pretty nice. I see my parents about one week a year when they save up to fly out here to visit us. Thank you guys again !!
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