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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by jaysm35a2

  1. Thanks guys, a ton! I had to make a 12hr run today to deliver a load of food , it didn't feel like a birthday until I got home to see the family and log on here and hear from you guys! Nice to have good friends. Thanks again!
  2. Ditto Id love a B61T with those hubs
  3. Oh, too bad they don't make a tubeless old looking rim , class
  4. What I mean is , Pic # 1, 2, 3 look better than the standard Pic #4 that's on trucks now. Why the change trough the years? Then again , id drive a truck with spoke hubs Any Day and twice on Sunday.
  5. Why the change in the front rims from those on the KW in the pic or the 5 hole ones on the '50's Mack's ,etc. to the crappy looking Alcoa rims they have now? I just wasn't born early enough
  6. 84superdog, I feel you 120 -130F in Bagdad sucks
  7. Only 3500 huh lol , I hope its complete.
  8. jaysm35a2


    Yeah I thought this episode was pretty good, makes me want to get to work the next morning and drive my truck. And .... ahhh Lisa is back this season ..
  9. Nothing we can do , that's the America we live in and it will get worse , people believe ANYTHING they are told on TV... just like voting..
  10. Id say Zimmerman provoked the man but when it came to life or death he had to do what he needed to to live. , Concealed Carry Holder - Jay
  11. I tried to buy it, guy was pretty un willing to help or answer some questions.
  12. Mark , That would be my dream truck, if I could ever find one.
  13. Well in the case of IH/ Navistar, id rather them own Mack than a foreign company.
  14. Who owns International trucks and what country?
  15. Maybe I should drive for them..
  16. Happy Birthday America, I still believe you can come through what the dumbasses in charge are doing to you.
  17. Very sad, there was another my wife read about that a little boy was hit by a float as they were unloading after the parade in OK. My family took a truck and did one in Monument CO today
  18. Id like a Power Wagon but the Diesel Grand Cherokee will probably do it. I hope they have the "go forever" diesels like our trucks.
  19. Any thoughts on the new Diesel for the Grand Cherokee? I like my gas powerd one , might go that route if the Diesel is good, im guessing its got to be the same?
  20. Nothing beats working on a Mack , looks great man. Ive been restoring this..
  21. Ive liked those for years, id kill for a Mack one, you do amazing work
  22. I buy off GL a lot, the descriptions are always crap, theres red tape when you win an auction , etc. Theres a lot of those Macks out here in CO for sale at Ranchers.
  23. Who would think they could get away with that...
  24. Do you have the VIN? ha ha ha And it looks amazing
  25. Those are great , really makes you think , what happened to America
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