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james j neiweem

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james j neiweem last won the day on September 19 2020

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About james j neiweem

  • Birthday 08/15/1945


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    Trucks tractors and 1/64 models
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  1. Who made the integral sleeper on the IH-Coachlite?-Orville? They were used on many trucks A-cars, Macks,IH's Whites and Fords. Probably many others.
  2. Melons and pumpkins!
  3. Obviously a short sided loud mouth that is not looking out for the good of the country. Protect the selfish union members and let the country be damned.
  4. Some 673's had split manifolds as well (187HP) I believe
  5. Thanks for the birhday wishes Mowerman
  6. Who was at the helm when Mack allowed Signal in and who was at the helm when Mack allowed Renault in. Doing business with the devil (Renault) allowed Mack to be floating in the wind for a Volvo (devil 2) takeover. Don't blame Volvo- Blame the Mack board of directors and at the time CEO(devil 3) !
  7. Looks like the MD is getting the +4 cab. They must have had to use up a bunch of -4 cabs at the MD's introduction.
  8. Is this the end of the current Mack cab? Was cvg making cabs for Volvo as well as Mack.
  9. Good news for Oshkosh! Now if we can keep the New World Order Europeans from gobbling them up!
  10. Unions are one of the main reasons that American Industrial Companies have gone bankrupt, moved out of country, or have been bought out by foreign entities, mainly Europe, Canada and Japan, and now China.
  11. Yes We did stop and make a donation tom the state liquor store. My daughter lives in NH. Thought about moving there but housing prices are crazy in Stratford County.
  12. Oh random for sure. Another thing I noticed is that for all of the talk about aero trucks and the big hood conventionals disappearing, there are still tons of W 900 KW's and long nose Petes out there along with some Freightliners, Stars and Macks.
  13. I remember a lot of orange R's with red fenders in that area hauling bulk trailers. Might have been a different company though.
  14. Saw several triaxle dump trailers and tankers trailers. All with big power Pete's KW's and Stars. Saw several new Pinnacle tractors- none with tri axle trailers. Saw Anthems for NFI, UPS and Central Freight. According to a post I saw on Facebook, Central has about 800 Anthems now.
  15. While the funds flow to the illegals. Soon to be in a town near you.
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