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james j neiweem

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james j neiweem last won the day on September 19 2020

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About james j neiweem

  • Birthday 08/15/1945


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    Trucks tractors and 1/64 models
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  1. That was the earlier LJ cab I believe. Not sure if that was an Orville design or in house. Orville I would guess.
  2. I finally got my one brain cell that I have left into high gear. That upstart company that I recall was T-Line. They had high hopes about 10 years ago. Since then crickets
  3. I remember seeing a Diamond T 921 RB as a kid back in Illinois. What a beautiful truck! I was always curious as to what the RB stood for. I know the 921 was a pretty standard heavy highway model. It did have the set back axle.
  4. When they went from the G to F they should have kept using the Aluminum cabs. There would be alot of F's around today if they were aluminum.
  5. What ever happened to that upstart company that was going to carry on the Diamond-T line?
  6. Real beauty. Looks like the colors of that Canadian company that folded. I can't think of the name. Also the former Lindon Company out of New Jersey
  7. I don't believe Volvo would have purchased CVG if they planned on dropping the Mack Cab. Sounds like Volvo has a lot of options for Mack going forward.
  8. Who made the integral sleeper on the IH-Coachlite?-Orville? They were used on many trucks A-cars, Macks,IH's Whites and Fords. Probably many others.
  9. Melons and pumpkins!
  10. Obviously a short sided loud mouth that is not looking out for the good of the country. Protect the selfish union members and let the country be damned.
  11. Some 673's had split manifolds as well (187HP) I believe
  12. Thanks for the birhday wishes Mowerman
  13. Who was at the helm when Mack allowed Signal in and who was at the helm when Mack allowed Renault in. Doing business with the devil (Renault) allowed Mack to be floating in the wind for a Volvo (devil 2) takeover. Don't blame Volvo- Blame the Mack board of directors and at the time CEO(devil 3) !
  14. Looks like the MD is getting the +4 cab. They must have had to use up a bunch of -4 cabs at the MD's introduction.
  15. Is this the end of the current Mack cab? Was cvg making cabs for Volvo as well as Mack.
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