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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. FW for runner of the lJ. Thanks for posting.🙂
  2. IH kB's and R's were good solid trucks.
  3. The 673 Mack naturally aspirated and later turbo versions were great economical and reliable engines. However it was to small to compete with the 855 Cummins and its turbocharged versions in the day. Mack's first answer was the 711(never factory turboed) which had its share of problems and it was still to small to compete with Cummins and Detroit. Next Mack went with the 864 V8 but as with the 711 it failed in the market place. About this time Cat entered the scene. Mack just didn't have a big bore product to compete with Cummins Cat and Detroit. Mack lost diesel momentum until the 237/300/350 came along. These were great engines which sold well, but they were still on the small side. The E-7 mechanical was a great engine but again on the small side. By the time the E9 was perfected Mack had lost the V8 momentum. The Mack electronic emissions engines were also problem prone as were other manufacturers engines. If Mack had pursued the "Big Six" instead of the V8 or along side it, they would have been better off IMHO. The present MP-7&8 engines are Idecent engines but still can't compete in the western mountains or Canada. Volvo wants to push their product for these regions with the ISX-15. They would be better off pushing the ISX- 15 in the new Pinnacle. This would put Mack back on the same page with Paccar, Freightliner and VW (Navistar). When was the Reo V-8 first used and how long did its run last. Who else used the Reo V-8 besides White? I see they were 440 cubes and 1200 pounds.
  4. Thanks for the enlightenment Mrs. Paul! Agree with you Mark T. Also wern't the the h-61 cherry pickers also called highliners.
  5. Just curious as to how Mack was able to use the term liner as in Superliner, Cruiseliner and Valueliner when Freightliner already was using the designation. I guess it wasn't copy righted.🤫
  6. I remember the Mack cab model number CA47 from Sheller Globe. I thought this cab was used on the R/U and DM models. Were the R/U and DM cabs all the same width? I think there were a couple of different cab models of the CA model number.
  7. Yes Orville did make sleepers for Mack B's, H's and White 9000 coup cabs. Maybe fords and IH's as well
  8. I wonder what the specs are on that beauty.
  9. From the Mack site latest news. Mack to feature a Mack Anthem High Rise at the TMC (Technologic Maintenance Counsel) meeting/showcase. Featured specs include MP8HE with M-Drive and 3.08 rears. Here is where it gets strange. Front axle is FXL 20 (20,000# front axle) and 46,000# rear axle. Seems like heavy specs for an Anthem over the road tractor with an MP8ME. The Mack Pinnacle only offers a 14, and 16,000 # front axle. This seems more like a Granite spec truck. Seems like Mack only pushes Anthems and Granites in the conventional configurations. They don't even offer an online build sheet for the Pinnacle, just Granite and Anthem, and those build sheets leave a lot and I mean a lot to be desired.
  10. DAD-dumb ass dictator -that can't curb spending= votes for the demoncrats of one party rule Ct.
  11. Last time I used cruise control I was driving a 1975 Buick on I 95 in Virginia. I had it set about 70 mph. Next thing I new I was almost up the ass of a State of Virginia dump truck doing about 20 mph with no brake lights flashers or anything. That's the last time I used cruise control about 40 years ago.
  12. As they say one slice of baloney at a time!
  13. Get it in writing that after 100 miles or so and its still not wore in, you get a new (wobbly tire). How come the other three tires are running true? That's what the gray hair guy is thinking but maybe not saying!
  14. I actually think I like a high hood chromed up R-700 than a Superliner.
  15. Mack should have skipped the V-8's from the gitgo and put their research into the big six. The V-8's lost a lot of Mack customers, especially the original ones. It took them 20 years to perfect it but by then it was to late.
  16. Wow Vlad nice girlfriend and the Granite also.
  17. I go there sometimes to see what the fleets are buying for trucks. I wonder if there is a better place to go to see who is buying what.
  18. Nice find on the R model. What is her history specs etc. Flatbed with stake sides would be nice if needed.
  19. Mackpaul: The thread that I saw this on was in facebook. It was in a thread by Pat Hanson from Brannif Trucking. It was under a private Mack truck group. Pat is the guy with the 2 white pinnacles (one a new Mack bowtie Pinnacle) for Brannif Trucking. He may be out of Canada. I guess 880joe you are probably right maybe just the grill would be replaced. Would make sense. I would guess there are other after market grill replacements for the CH's
  20. Not directly related to this subject but sort of. I saw on facebook that the new pinnacle bow tie hood will fit on older ch and chu trucks.
  21. Keep pushing the Cummins route. Volvo and Mack don no nuthin.
  22. There were certainly better engine transmission options available in that year. The wheelbase is a tad short. I am not sure this is easily fixable without swapping out the engine and transmission, but that kills the low mileage aspect. Yes the 5 speed needed another gear or gears between 4th and fifth.
  23. Was the 300 five speed a better combo than the 237 5 speed. Was the 300 a Maxidyne?
  24. Milkman: Good observation. Seems like a lot of Mack's being sold in Canada.
  25. Looks like the Canadian logging industry is all Stars and Pcars now. Volvo, take a hint.
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