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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. What was the v-8. I don't believe Mack had a v-8 diesel until 1062.
  2. Thought it might be nice to start a thread for old Mack factory photos and info from Brooklyn Allentown, Plainfield Macungie Hagerstown etc. Probably ex employee input required.
  3. Finally some good feedback on what happened to the Pelletier Titan.
  4. Wheelbase doesn't look like a u model either.
  5. Seems to me you could order any truck without a rear or transmission and you wouldn't have to call it a glider.
  6. Does that Rhode Island Mack give anybody an idea
  7. Mack vs Paccar vs western star/shaker vs IH/Cat vs volvo
  8. My son Ben's truck was shipped back from Alaska yesterday and keeping with God speaks to us in mysterious ways- The truck drivers name was Max.
  9. I have been a Mack nut (enthusiest) ever since a young lad of about 10. Recently our family underwent a tradgedy as our son Ben of 24 years of age passed away in Alaska. We took some of the flowers from the service and set them out in a tidal river. Two days later some of the flowers showed up back at our dock with a Rosary entwined. Before the service my wife, daughters and myself picked out a grave site on a hill in the local cemetary near the cemetary flagpole. After looking at several sights we picked out this one. A few days after the service my wife and I were tending to the grave sight flowers and such. I took a short walk and three stones away to the north was a stone with Mack chiseled in the pink granite. Needless to say my wife and I were astonished. About three days later we were again at Ben's grave and again I took a walk around. This time two stones to the east was another Mack gravestone in grey granite directly in line with Bens. Only God could have know ahead of time where my son would lie. God speaks to us in various ways. Pretty awsome and amazing God. James Neiweem
  10. Cohenno still runs nice looking CH's and T-800's. See them from time to time on I95 ct.
  11. I may be wrong but it seems like a good way to geat a good reasonably priced Mack platform is to buy a used Mack mixer.
  12. Nothing like replying to my own topic but upon further study Meritor bought Volvos rear axle division in 1999. That is why mack rear ends are Meritors. So not only are Macks assembled in the USA but the rear ends are American owned. This is why Dana was dropped. I believe the frames (chasis)are American made. So we have almost half of the truck. Now if they offered Cummins engines( not saying they are better than MP's) America would have 2/3 of the truck American owned. Some logic eh.
  13. If I remember right when the first E-7's came out there were problems with ring and piston breakage.
  14. Sorry Make that 1999
  15. Kscarbel to the rescue. What does this mean? In looking at the Meritor website history it states that Meritor aquired volvo heavy vehicles manufacturing operations in Lindensburg Sweeden in 1969.
  16. Gee. Looks like mack will miss this trend altogether with v@#$% at the helm.
  17. I think comfo visions were used on Sicards also.
  18. Thanks Roger for letting Detroit go to Europe. But head
  19. I guess Hallamore was so impressed with the Titan they bought a KW. They were a Mack fleet forever. They still have a lot of Macks but I am not sure if they have any new ones. That's what happens when you build trucks that last.
  20. Penske you ass why did you let detroit diesel go.
  21. I remember a guy that used to come into our plant with an R model and he wiped it down all the time with WD 40.Looked nice but it attracts dirt.
  22. Hendrickson made numerous models. I guess they must have had some good designs as they were used by most of the other truck manufacturers including Mack.
  23. Who made/makes the best rear suspension for construction.
  24. How many Macks does O & G still have and what is the newest model. How many RD's does Tilcon CT have. I understand they came from sonoco.
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