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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. It looks like the Celli numbering system during the B era was all over the map. How many B's were in the fleet at one time. How many R's and CH's.
  2. There was a picture of a red B model tri drive somewhere on this sight recently.
  3. Under the Celli thread there is a beautiful Celli A model dump.
  4. Maybee we can start an information cash pool. This info is to valuable to let it stop. One dollar a member would be a huge cash cow!
  5. Herb Holden and Manafort are Mack fleets. Any pictures out there.
  6. 3P'S the man. Come on 3P!
  7. I never saw any of the l's or A's just the B's and R's I must admit those A's are better looking than the L's Great shots BCR. I always remember when I was a kid most of the constuction trucks seemed to have Italian names and then when I moved to the east it was the same. Those Italians knew a good thing- Macks, A-Cars, dumps and mixers. LOL
  8. I never thought about it before but the F model and the bud cab have similarities around the window area. Maybe KS knows about the F model cab assembly.
  9. What were the transmissions and rears on hose beasts.
  10. spealing of englishtown when is it this year. It hasn't turned into a Paccar event has it.
  11. Celli Trucking made me the Mack nut that I am today. 52 years ago.
  12. Just set that as my screen background!
  13. Great thread BCR. Do you know the year and month of the bulldog magazene that featured Celli. It looks like those old B models had camel backs back in the 30's!
  14. Vlad plish that baby up and bring it to English town.
  15. Superdog does Butler still have equipment down by the Middletown dump along the river. I think that place may have been from the Herbert Butler days. They used to have a couple of big Mack L's. They were used as pushers for Hallamores M V-16 detroit that brought the replacement transformer into Connecticut Yankee.
  16. Never heard of a White diesel. They made an engine called a giesel for a short time. I believe it was just a gas engine with heavy components
  17. The reason the Europeons and Japaneese have made so many inroads into the trucking industry is the same reason they have made so many inroads into heavy industry Steel, turbine manufacturing, boiler manufacturing and electrical components. Westinghouse sold off there nuclear industry to British Nuclear fuel and then to the Japaneese. They sold of all there non Nuclear manufacturing to Seimans. They then bought CBS owners of(Bevis and Butthead). Westinghouse once a proud manufacturer was totally gutted and laid waste to the Germans and Japaneese. All we were left with was Bevis and Butthead. They are now a small manufacturer of some electrical appliances. Why does this happen? It's by design folks. Explore the Tri- Lateral Commision some time. This was a purposefull design agreement behind the scenes to diminish the power of the good old USA and elevate the Europeon and Japaneese industrial base. All is not what it seems sadly.
  18. BCR way to take control those Paccars were making me ill, although that green Pete with the old style can was pretty cool.
  19. The Cruiseliner was the replacement for the F-Model. F-Models were all over the place. It seemed that the cruiseliners had good initial sales but then dropped off like a rock. Initial orders for west coast fleets PIE IML ONC etc. seemed to be pretty good but they never gained traction like KW, Pete and Freightliner. The Last version before the MH seemed to be a good looking vehicle. What were the problems with the cruiseliners. There still is a fleet of nice black ones out in Wisconsin.
  20. Always loved those blue and grey overnite F's and R's. Never liked the White W's. They bought a few CH's but that was the last of the Macks.
  21. I didn't know O & G still had any Macks left. They used to have a beautiful Mack fleet. Now Paccar. Like the white color better than the gold. Butler used to have some DM 800's and A-Cars. Maybe they are scattered around out back.
  22. I'll bet if they brought the Titan and Superliner over here Volvo sales would plummet and Mack sales would soar digging into IH/Freightliner and especially Paccar.
  23. They put the wheels on the wrong side of that equipment.
  24. All I ever see on 95 are Peterbilt tractors for Gateway until this morning. A beautiful blast from the past a red R model tractor and dump trailer. Very nice.
  25. KS why don't they send somebody from Mack Australia over here to incorporate their models into the US line up. Their superliner/trident and titan look better than the CH and US Titan IMHO. At least offer the Australian bonnets(hoods).
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