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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. BCR have you come accross old celli photos for posting. I thought you had taken pictures of pictures at some time. I saw the B-75 and f model in the die cast thread. Thanks
  2. Who do you guys think made the best construction truck Mack or Autocar back in the day. Consider components, rugedness,frames,axels etc. Hendricksons and Brockways are also welcome. Sorry Paccar you don't count.
  3. Rawhide kicks paccars ass in in potential. Lets see them kick ass in sales.
  4. Marquardt? Trucks are located in Waterford CT. The owner runs a 2 stack Mack CH. They are about an equal mix of Petes and Macks. There latest purchase as far as I know was a W-900. Are there any Tilcon photos of their V-8 DM 800's and their DM 600's (the high cabs) I still see some from time to time as they were all purchased by local second hand contractors. They had a V-8 at the wallin ford quarry a while back. Saw one of their high DM's on Ct 372 a while back.
  5. Seems as though Palumbo still has about four pits. Maybee they rely on more owner operators rather than using their own trucks. Those RD 800's are awsome. Are they just used as site trucks.
  6. Barry is trucking news dead or are you stuck on that cruise ship. LOL
  7. I'll bet that got a workout after the snowstorm.
  8. Thats why there were so many Whites sold. They were the best of the cheapos
  9. Shewerman back in the day ran black and white with red stripe tractors. They ran B-61's then R's and white 4000's. They had a terminal up in Wisconsin. Later on I believe they ran IH's.
  10. Got 24 inches in east hampton ct. Gave the Airens a workout. An R with a plow would be nice. I have 130,000 on a 6.0 2005 f-250 but boy do I baby the heck out of it. Didn't realize injectors were $380 a pop or I would have never have bought this truck. My old 6.9s were about $12 bucks a pop.
  11. Does anybody remember what recent thread had the pictures of the New England snow storm of 1978.
  12. Good job as usual BCR. Nice RS. Best looking truck ever made.
  13. Do they use petercrappers also?
  14. Is that an Autocar or a Mack?
  15. Maybe some American company can buy volvo truck and Mack and then dump volvo and bring back A-Car. Wishfull thinking of course.
  16. Nothing better than a fleet of brand new B's
  17. Like those B model plows. Those DM's may be White Oak (only a guess) I think they numbered there trucks on the grill guard like that. Numbers seem to be close.
  18. As I remember Mutrie also had a number of White 4000's
  19. Green and white R models. Remember them well. B models and White 4000's also.
  20. Talk about crashing through the barn door 100 yards away.
  21. Vision 386. I feel your pain but don't get overly bent out of shape- over one Hank's site pissant contributor Mr. S---K. 99% of their contributors are decent sorts as far as I can tell.
  22. I believe that Chicago cab also made the B model cab which also somewhat looked like the IH KB and the Reo cabs and studebacker for that matter.
  23. BCR Another Illinois when I was a kid story. I never saw the Olson of Greenbay R/BCR Macks. What I used to see were a few GMC cannonball's and a ton of cracker boxes with the 6v-53 or 8v-53's detroits.They definately had a unique sound. Kind of quiet. Not like the 71 series at all. There colors used to be maroon and yellow. There was also another Olson that used to come down from Wisconsin They were all IH's with the 549 V-8 gasers. Their colors were orange with black trim.
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