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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Seems like the Illinois truck manufacturers IH/Diamond-T/Hendrickson shared alot of components and technology.
  2. fullfuel01 Just saw that myself. You beat me to it. Good detective work
  3. As has been said volvos and Macks share many common parts. With that in mind I see very few fleets that use both volvos and Macks. You would think there would be more of them. I remember in a Bulldog magazine they featured Duie Pyle and were hoping for a long relationship in the future. Ever since that article Duie has gone freightliner and volvo. Volvo must have pulled the rug out from under Mack in this instance. I see a few big fleets that have newer volvos will have Macks but they are usually second hand CH 600's (yellow/New Penn for instance)
  4. They called the original mack H model (H-61) the cherry picker because it was so high. Later on they dropped the heigth by about a foot (H-67). At the now defunct (unfortunately) truck museum in Connecticut I stood next to an IH cabover DC 405? (before the emeryville). The one that had the little IH comfort cab on top( same as r-190 cab). This thing was tall. I'm guessing maybee higher than the cherry picker. It was dark blue as I remember. There was also a KW bullnose (light blue) there and the IH was definately higher.
  5. I believe Mason Dixon had a bunch of big rad B-65's or 67's
  6. I believe FWD and Sicard also used the IH comfort cab.
  7. Superdog. I agree with you with the Granite VS T 800. However here in Ct it seems that Mack just can't make much headway into Paccar domination. Gateway/Tilcon/O&G/Rawson/American/Suzio. I guess we will see what happens when the Paccars get to the end of there life cycle. I am sure they will not have second lives the way the old Macks had.
  8. I believe suzio still runs R Model tractors with dump trailers (maybe 3 or 4). After retiring their DM 800's (#45) they bought a few pete tri axle dumps. I believe there newest tri axles are KW.
  9. If you go to bing maps and view the Suzio yard in meriden you can see lots of old iron.
  10. Who makes the Rockwell rear ends or who bought them out.
  11. BCR All of the Crystal Lake Hendricksons that I saw as a kid were red tractors with huge red trailers. The trailers sat higher than the Dundee trailers. Maybee the Crystal Lake tractors were more heavily speced or had taller rubber. All were Cummins power except for one Harnishfegger. There was another company in the area that had dundee colors but were B-61 macks. I notice that there still is a Dundee sand and gravel up in Wisconsin.
  12. I remember those Crystal Lake and Dundee Hendrickson tandem tractor dumps from the early 60's. I never took a liking to them because there were so many Celli Macks around. I did like the black and yellow Dundee colors. Two of the sharpest dump tractors I ever saw from that time were a red and black Diamond-T 921RB and a red and black Mack B-61 for OK trucking. I think they must have been brand new at the time. Later on OK was a freight company using Mack F's and Louiville fords as I recall.
  13. I'm thinkin she could give you a concusion.
  14. Seems like the CXU is keeping everything afloat. It 's good competition for Shacker and Navistar. Now they need to upgrade the CHU to Superliner and add (MP-10 and Cummns) to compete with Paccar. Navistar was on the ropes and moved quickly to Cummins. Need to upgrade the Granite to compete with the T-800. If we got a coalition of Watts Mackers together I think we could run Mack better than Volvo although we could use their deep pockets. Modernize the MB. Modify the MB to include a front discharge mixer. Expand the application of the class seven Mack. Hello its not selling. Put a big sleeper on the Titan. Change the the Titan hood to a Superliner or Tridant.
  15. Vlad. I believe Mack was going to build a truck factory in Russia back in the 70's. Kamarouge or something similar. Our government eventually shot it down. Maybe that factory would have helped keep Mack out of bankruptcy.
  16. BCR Do you work for meyer? I remember reading somewhere that Dennis Sporlein was a maintenance manager there. Did you know him. I went to grade school with him inBuffalo Grove Ill. He had a huge left forarm from operating a manual clutch on a piece of farm machinery. I used to wait for the school bus on the corner of Dundee rd and the road that went to Mt Prospect. That was truck heaven. Meyer used to have about 6 twin screw B-613 with turbo 205's. What a sweet sounding engine. Consolidated forwarding used to go by with the white 3000 flat head gasers. Meanast sounding gas engines I ever heard. The IH red diamonds were a close second.
  17. Vlad your English is getting better and better.
  18. Rescue them before the South A mericans get them and beat them to death.
  19. I agree with mark on the western R, Thought the 600's looked better than the 700's.BCR I lived in Wheeling ILL when I was a lad 50's and 60's The meyer plant used to be up the road' I wonder if it is still there.
  20. The Marino unit has a twin. They were both painted in Portland CT about twenty years ago. The also have a giant A-car AP.
  21. I wonder when the red and silver Werner from St Paul/Chicago went belly up. It is strange that both Werners used the arrow logo.
  22. Green Dash I used to see Werner trucks all the time in the 1950's commimg down through Wisconsin from St Paul Minnesota. They were the same paint scheme as the ford L-9000 and they were mostly macks (B's) with a mix of IH gasers and GMC cannonballs and crackerboxes as I remember. I am sure they were around before 1956. You may have been talking about an earlier ford but that L-9000 didn't come about until the 70's as I recall.
  23. Storkmack. Seems to be a paccar plague.
  24. O&G bought out Rawson. That explains there switch to Paccar. Old Rawson Macks are still running around Ct in the Waterford area. They bought a few Granites before the KW's.
  25. Don't think national freight has had a Mack since the U and F's. Maybee some cruiseliners.
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