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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Halamores latest heavy haul is KW paccar. They were Mack forever. I think they got the KW before the Titan came out.
  2. I remember Roncari had several B-61 single axle tractors that hauled material out of the East Granby Quarry (Now Tilcon), Not sure if they had R models or DM's. I know they went cheap towards the end with ford L model dumps.
  3. Slippery white stuff/mud/logs-Seems like your best bet is an all Mack drive train. Good for pulling out stuck paccars also.
  4. Are there still a lor of R models running around the Chicago area. They are pretty much gone in the east. I am guessing there are more R models still running in the Chicago area than any where else in the country. BCR- Sure would be nice to see pictures of those Celli Macks. When I was a kid in wheeling Illinois I would wait for the bus at an intersection. This intersection was truck heaven. Celli Macks, Meyer Macks and FWD's, Dundee sand and gravel Hendricksons, Crystal Lake Hendricksons, Bongi Macks. One of the Crystal lake Hendricksons had the wierdest sounding engine. Later found out it was a 2 cycle Harnishfegger. I am guessing that intersection made me the Mack nut that I am today.
  5. BCR Somewhere on this site there is mention of Gene Celli still showing up for work everyday. Also there was indication that there were still Celli Visions or Pinnacles hauling dry cement.
  6. Celli ruled in the day. B Models R Models and CHs Not sure if they ran LJ's or superliners Great paint scheme.
  7. Nothing looks better than a B model dump. Bring back the B model.
  8. EM6285. Great photos of new Macks. To bad they can't take the Titan hood and replace it with the Austrailian Superliner or Trident
  9. That F700 would make a great Smith transfer/overnitre/or Jones recreation .
  10. What happened to is volvo good or bad for Mack. I guess that topic got beat to death. I see that Volvo is going to try to get more involved with the construction segment. Not good. If they had half a brain they would bring back the ACar. I wonder if they sold the rights to Acar or just the refuse segment. If they sold the rights then why doesn't Autocar get into the construction market. Mack and Autocar old time nostalgia
  11. Just speculation. The C model came out in 64-65. The last B model was in 66. U's started in 65 and r's 66. Sounds like theC model was a chance to use up the last of the L cabs and B fronts.
  12. If you go to the Copar site they talk about their enviornmentally friendly SCR Macks. They also state that they do use the ferry from LI to CT I guess. They just opened a pit in CT.
  13. O&G went Kenworth and tilcon Kenworth. Some good dump news in CT RI. Copar bought about 15 new Granite axle forwards.
  14. Will he be back? Can't see why he left. Hope he stops in from time to time.
  15. Tilcon another former Mack fleet gone to Paccar altough they still have a few Macks kicking around.
  16. O & G. They used to have an awesome Mack fleet. Now they have a not so awsome Paccar fleet.
  17. Bring on more pictures of Palumbo, Celli, Bongi, Meyer etc. Chicago Macks run a close second to New York Macks.
  18. Other dog. I kind of agree with you on the first cruiseliners but not on the final cut before the MH. There is a tanker fleet out in wisconsin that still runs black cruiseliners. They are really sharp. While the F's were great looking in there youth they pretty much all turned into rust buckets. Those aluminum cruiseliners should be around for a while even in salty Wisconsin.
  19. does that cab resemble a B model or what. Resembles a Reo also. The B models were made by Chicago cab. IH at the time was from Chicago.
  20. Celli had numerous B-42's and B-61's as well as R models. Sharp colors green/grey and red. Towards the end they had CH's and a few petes. I believe somewhere on this sight there is a picture of Mr Celli. I think they still have Macks with cement trailors. It seems that Mr. Celli is in his eighties and still works everyday.
  21. Wasn't the iron lumg cummins with the super charger also 262 horsepower. Never heard one but that is supposed to be one mean sounding engine according to other posts on this site. Nothing better than that B-73/75 front grill.
  22. Some one must make those reverse air intakes. I used to see them on R and F models and cruiseliners.
  23. Granites are still not making a dent in CT with the big excavation companies. mostly paccars. Maybee after the pacraps fall apart. They are making some inroads with the onesy twosy companies.
  24. How many Roadway Macks with detroits and what type.
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