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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. The demise of the US industrial base is all by design beind the scenes. The new world order boys had to weaken the US so that we can fit into their global puzzle. The tri lateral commission was the means to bring this about. One of their goals was to weaken the US and to strengthen Europeon Industrial giants and the Japaneese Korean area.
  2. You know that reminds me seeing those savage mixers. Mack was in the front discharge mixer market until v#&*( hit the kill switch. Also hit the kill switch on Mack marine engines.So much more could be done for Mack. What a shame.
  3. Obviously the engineers never heard about the guy that asked his buddy (why are you pulling/dragging that rope) and the buddy said--You ever try pushing a rope
  4. Anyone know about Schwind trucking in Wisconsin. Saw some black cruiseliners at some truck show. Really sharp trucks. Are they still in business and do they still run these cruiseliners. Do they still use Macks.
  5. From a Mack tour guide the Macks that didn't have hood dogs did actually have hood dogs. When delivered new they were in the passengers seat in a plastic bag.
  6. Actually it was the LT(Dussenberg of trucks) that was making headway out west. I remember a quote from one of the Mack CEO's that stated that he thought that the Mack LT was the finest truck on the west coast. Should have lightened it up keep up with Paccar and shacker. Oh well should have, could have, would have.
  7. O&G a once beautiful Mack fleet has gone over to Paccar
  8. You know in a way they should never have gotten rid of the L model cab for the B model cab. Mack was making headway out west with the L and then it pretty much died with the B. should have kept the L out west and the B out east.
  9. Domestic traitors are at war with the USA. We have to realize who the internal enemies are and throw there asses out of office. Obama(Communist/Muslim) for starters. Most of the Democrats and 1/2 of the Republicans.
  10. U models have a tough time on the counter clocwise rotories. It seems they can't get off.
  11. When the Signal Companies bought Mack. Mack was dead.-Wrong When Renault bought Mack. Mack was dead-Wrong When Volvo bought mack. Mack was dead.-Wrong again Mack still lives on to fight another day.
  12. DC Acar 10 wheel dump/mixer/tractor. No petes , katydids, or shakers
  13. Vinny you and grampa are the best. Can't wait to see the sidewinder all done.
  14. I can't believe this hasn't been sold long ago at that price. Love those B-75 grills.
  15. I remenber St. Johnsbury had u600's with cummins V903's. The 903's were 90 degree v-8s so there profile was lower. I think the detroits were about 60 degrees with super chargers so they sat higher. I can't remenber what model u model had the early v-8 Macks (864/5/6)
  16. Mack enthusists are Mack enthusiasts down to their core. Some may own paccars or other breeds but they rarely are enthusiasts of these other breeds. Granted vovo and diamler are europeon companies but they are owned by stockholders of many different countries including the USA. Same goes for navistar and paccar they are owned by stockholders many of them Europeon. The global economy being what it is can change overnight. Ten years from now Deere or Cat may own Volvo and Mack and Seimans may own Paccar. Chill out Mack fans the plug on Mack hasn't been pulled yet. Not in over 100 years as a matter of a fact.
  17. The only diff I can come up with is Mack probably offers more heavy duty options
  18. We have a small tanker company here in Ct with a mix of green CH's and Petes and one new W900. They don't have any gold bulldog CH's as of yet.
  19. Kscarbel: Being a long time Mack fan from my youth I have the folowing obsevations. 1)Mack concentrated on enginnering and building a rugged vertically integrated product. 2)Paccar concetrated on building a light weight product using the widest range of quality vendors as possible. 3)Paccar concentrated on quality/driver comfort/wide range of vendor options. 4)Mack and Paccar both concentated on building primarily trucks. 5) Paccar took care of the business side of building and marketing trucks. 6) Mack faced bankruptcy from the late 50's on. Obviously Mack didn't take care of the buiness side of the house. ie Signal/Renault/Volvo 7) If Mack had run a proper business model they would still be independent as Paccar is today. 8) I don't like Paccar but you will have to give them credit they took care of business. 9) Of course the remaining Europeon manufacturers also took care of business (with liberal government support as required)
  20. I agree the Aussie Titans and Tridents are sharp. To bad they don't bring the trident or Superliner over here.
  21. are they going to drag race that day?
  22. If I had to guess I would say frito bandito ville
  23. Weather it is a single, double or triple shaft and gear setup is not really the proper question. The proper question is whether the shafts and gears are designed to handle the torque. If they are then you are good to go. If the one shaft on an M-drive breaks you are dead in the water. If one shaft breaks on a double or triple counter shaft setup I believe you are also out of action.In theory with the proper metallurgy and shaft cross sections all designs could be made to be equally strong. Another factor to consider is that more parts allows for more chance of failure.
  24. Ah when Macks were Macks. I think these L prime movers were cooler than the big M's. Looks like it is in great shape. What would the power output be on a cummins v-12? Hope it stays in the USA.
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