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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Vinny just a thought. When you are all done put a wooden stake body on the back(removable if need be). There are a couple of R models running around Ct and they are really sharp. One has 17 inch wheels and it makes one sharp pickup. Good luck.
  2. The Mack marines had so much horsepower because they kicked the RPMs up(maybee 2600-2800 rpm). More black smoke. Just take a look at the truck pullers on you tube. If you like about 3 miles to the gallon that might work for you. Also be prepared for more engine failures. Remember one of the components of horsepower is RPM.
  3. A little reversal on the popular thread Is Volvo good or bad for mack trucks. I say Mack is definately good for Volvo. Latest May North American sales. Volvo 2201 for May - Mack 2426 for May. If this keeps up Mack might be an attractive division to sell. Volvo is a huge company and very diversified. I don't see why they need to keep Mack as it probably doesn't add much to their bottom line looking at the big picture. They already had the distribution network of White/Autocar/GMC etc. I say let Mack go. John Deere might be a good match.
  4. isn't it funny how we hear every day that Europe is going bankrupt(joke) and we have to bail them out. Then why do they own so many US companies(truck producers are just one example area). Also funny why is the euro more valuable than the dollar. Political liars liars liars.
  5. TIM I believe Arute still has a location on rt 3 in Cromweel Ct close to the Fryhoffer bread store. Havn't looked in a while but they used to have some B-81's and DM's there. Across the street there is aother small outfit with some nice red dm's ad R's. If you look at Bing maps middlefield ct.- Suzio has a ton of old DM's and crane carriers for your arial pleasure. Unfortunately they have been running Pacaar for a while.
  6. If my old memory serves me right. One of the gentlemen on here with an MH picture icon said that Volvo customers and Mack customers were getting together secretly to have input into up comming cabs. This was about two years ago. I thought he alluded to two different cab versions comming.
  7. Thanks for the cab correction Mr. Legacy.
  8. I work at the Coast Guard Academy New London Ct. and that BT Sessa DM was used here hauling fill from a base constuction project. There were about 20 different dumps used here for this project. They were all Macks except for one IH and one pete. Campaturo is the construction lead contractor. They have RD's and sharp Granites. The BT Sessa Mack clearly was the best sounding of all of them(237 staight pipe I believe) McLure also supplied a DM and an RD(looked like ex Rawson Macks) Rawson went over to the dark side-(KW). Unfortunately most of Connecticut has gone Paccar.
  9. Which company had the best gas engines in the old days. Mack, White, IH, ford, GMC, hercules, hall scott, waukasha?
  10. I wonder if the Scannia V-8 had any influence on the E-9. They were about the same displacement. Scannia currently has individual heads compared to the E-9's four heads. I wonder if the scannia V-8's will be dropped into the puller circuit when the E-9's become parts nighmares.
  11. That explains no web site for LLP.
  12. ks-Unfortunately you may be right on the universal cab. May 15 fox business news states. Volvo to come out with a new common cab for renault volvo and Mack in sdeptember 2012. It didn't state if it would be cab over or conventional. A little confusing since I don't think Renaut makes an over the road conventional and Mack except for the MR does'nt make an over the road cab over.
  13. I believe Mack 3p said that Mack frames come from a company in PA. Something LLC and they don't have a web site. Kind of curious all those frames and no website.
  14. Vinny if you like U Models so much then I wonder if you like DM's as much. Take a look at the frame on a DM sometime and you might forget about U models. Just kidding. Vlad: Back in the 70's Mack was going to build a factory in Russia but it was shot down for political reasons. How times have changed. Now our presidents give away military secrets for rockets to the Chineese. They executed the the Rosenburgs for supposedly giving atomic bomb info to the Russians. Now the Commies in charge would consider them heros. Well anyways enough rambling and back to the truck pictures. Good job Vinny I like the on the R-Model paving trucks.
  15. kscarbe: I believe a couple of people on this sight have stated that Mack frames came from a firm in Pa. Maybe they just add frame components to the shipped in frames. I know they come into the Macungie plant with crossmembers, rears, srprings, driveshaft and some mounting hardware. The holes are all drilled also per build sheets. I Thought the first CH models came out about 1991.
  16. All: As far as I know Mack hasn't made a frame in years. Maybe in the forties and pre forties. A company called Parish made mack frames in the 60's. Dana made the frames in the 70's thru 90's. I am not sure what a volvo frame is but Mack frames are currently made by a local company in PA an offshoot of the Dana line. Mack rear ends are a Mack design but they have been built by Rockwell and Dana in the past. Not sure who makes them now. When people on this site refer to Mack made in many cases it is Mack design but vendor made. Mack cabs are made by the same vendor navistar uses(former Mayflower). The B(Chicago cab) and R model cabs were vendor made. You can see the resemblance of the R and F model in design but the R was a vendor cab and the F was made by Mack.The whole truck manufacturing business is vendor supplied for the most part and has been for a long time. Mack just had more design influence on the components than most companies.
  17. Did the Mack E-7 start out as a Mack in house engine. Some times on this site I here people refer to it as a renault engine. It is interesting that the E-7 came out about the time as the renault > than 50%ownership. Amy thoughts?
  18. L Mack. Give those pinnacles visors and that turns frogs into princes
  19. What year engines were those. Were they pre 2004's. Do you run synthetics. The best thing for a long lasting piece of machinery is don't push it. Run them at 90% and they will take care of you. Great job guys'
  20. 3P your the man. Our own factory under cover agent.
  21. I think I saw two of them on flikr under Granite Fan. Both RD roll offs for the same company , one twin screw and one triaxle, green in color I think . I thought they were 2003's
  22. When they first put the rotary's in Chicopee Mass., the U models would get on them going counter clockwise. Problem was with those offset cabs they couldn't get off. Just kept going around in circles until they ran out of fuel. On the clockwise roraries they would always get off one exit early. And that my friends is why they came out with the R model. R for rotary. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
  23. When I was going to a new school location in the Navy in 1964 I remember seeing my first U-model on the New York thruway. I think the R's came out in 1965. I am not sure why the U's came out first but I think someone on this sight stated that they were eager to replace the C-Model I think the cheapest you will see a running U is about 3500. Not only do single axle U's see a second life as a dump, but some of them end up as oversize pickups with stake bodies.
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