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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Aw shucks. come on John stick around. I also view the other playgrounds and Watts is like kindergarten when it comes to negativity.
  2. Vinny If you want to see some pictures of U-models still working go to hank's truck pictures and look up David Fraust pictures. Then look up NEMF New England Motor Freight. They still have several U models and R models still in operation. I just saw a twin screw R model in Ct about a month ago.
  3. BCR- Hydraulic brakes-20 tons-401/534 gaser-2 sticks-manual steering! Now that was a truck driver. Lucky it was flat land Illinois. May of had difficulty in the 200 foot mountains of Rocford though.
  4. Bullhusk you forgot the 100,000 Italian dump truck companies Palumbo/Celli/Bongi/Gerosa etc etc etc
  5. Speaking of Vinny- Vinny take a look at Hanks truck web site and look up the last seven day entries. Then under David Frost df NEMF. There are U-models featured 8727/8729 and 8079. Just about a month ago I saw a NEMF R model twin screw in Ct.
  6. I remember Celli when I was a kid back in Wheeling Illinois. They had 10 wheel dumps both B-42 gasers and B-61's. They had numerous B-61 tractor dumps. I moved out of Illinois before they bought the R models but would see them when I went back to Ill for a visit. One day after moving to Ct I saw a CTC cement trailer pulled by a dark green peterbilt. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a Mack. Is Gene in the picture a Celli. Did he own CTC. Amazing that a 90 year old shows up to work every day. Looks like the picture on the wall is a CH. Did Celli have CH's before being sold? I went to the Markedy web sight and I still saw green and grey visions or pinnacles with cement trailers. I always thought the green and grey with red pin striping was a good color combo.
  7. Thanks Vinny you jogged my memory. It was flexi van in north Haven of of I 91. If I remember right they also supplied about a hundred u-models to stop and shop in the late 70's.
  8. I always thouht the B 80 series had the square consruction fenders. But I guess I remember B-85 fire trucks. Nice truck anyway
  9. Vinny/Tim - As I remember in the Connecticut area New Haven Truck Rental supplied the Mack's for Federal Paper Board. As I remember the trucks were either dark green cabs with light green fenders or all dark green. I think one of their clients was a mill on the Thames river.
  10. I never liked the Austrailian visors when compared to the North American R visors. Australian B visors are also rounded on the corners. They may serve their intended purpose better though.
  11. Looks like another assembly line is in order. Can't push them out so fast that quality goes down though
  12. Almost enough pacaars on this thread to make you upchuck
  13. Mack sold over 2000 vehicles in december 2011. First time passing 2000 since 2006. Things are looking good at Mack.
  14. Mack White and IHwere dominant in the midwest east and south during the 50's 60's and 70's. Does anybody know who sold more trucks
  15. Those babies are all in great shape. The IH 190 is awsome
  16. The Connecticut Schusters was out of Colchester Ct. Green white 9000's in 60-70's. Last fleet trucks were brown Mack U-600's before they went belly up. They had a terminal in Wallingford Ct also.
  17. Jacobsin logistics had volvos before. Good move to Mack.
  18. Why does UPS cut up their trucks? Because they are flipin insane and they have been that way for over 50 years as far as I can tell. Close to the best maintained vehicles in the industry and ripe for resale and they destroy them. Sounds like insanity in my book.
  19. I remember seeing that KW as a kid. It was a nose to nose shot with another diesel powered KW. I think they were trying to show the low profile of the turbine vs the diesel. Now that I think of it the pictures were in an encyclopedia.
  20. Unfortunately nothing will sound as good as that white gaser if it had a split manfold. Don't get rid of that engine as the White nuts will grab it up. That school bus idea sounds good. Cheap purchase and plenty of parts around. Good luck.
  21. What rears/springs on the old dogs
  22. I believe Tilcon still has some V-8 mack Dm 800's at Quarries in Ct. Remenber seeing one at Branford Quarry
  23. lmackattack: When I was a yungun back in Illinois there were several trucks that used to pass by our house from crystal lake Illinois. One of the companies was called crystal lake sand and gravel. They used all red henricksons. One of them had a really strange sounding engine. Later found out that it was a 2 cycle Harnishfegger diesel. Dundee sand and gravel used all yellow and black Hendricksons. There were also tons of Macks from Celli Palumbo Bongi and Lindhall. I think Lindall is still in business using Petes unfortunately.
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