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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. supposedly those 262 cummins in the L's were really awsome sounding. Especially with that upper atmosphere flame thrower. Good luck. I can see this painted black with a red frame and polished aluminum wheels and chrome.
  2. That poor B is embarrased with those steps.
  3. 386-No U model that IMHO is a heavy speced DM you can see the big frame probably a minimum of 46000 rears. U model in that shape would probably sell for 3500-6500.
  4. All: Was looking through truck paper and came across an interesting web site Aran Trading LTD in Salsbury Mass. Lots of nice Macks for sale. A little pricy but they look to be in great shape. looks like they do restorations and then put them up for sale. 2 nice B-61sx dumps for sale. Hopefully they won't end up exported. Probably won't because of price. There is another used Mack site in Mississippi with a lot of Macks much cheaper. Many of these don't get saved and end up for export.
  5. What is up with Duie and the freightshakers and volvos. See if those junks will run as long as there CH's. Problem visions excluded of course. Sounds like the volvo salesmen had a good time selling Mack down the river.
  6. 2011 higher initial cost but it has a warrantee, probably less headaches, better mileage, higher resale and you can spec the tranny & rears to the torque and HP curves. Very very important as you know gearing gearing gearing. The old 170hp B-61 dumps could keep up with 220HP Acar and IH dumps because of gearing gearing gearing. Remember If it is not speced right it will never be right. Ideally a test drive loaded would be in order. Good luck.
  7. What is that symbol under the Bulldog?
  8. Ultimate B model candy. Like that Outlaw B-73/75. IMHO best looking truck ever made.
  9. They should bring back the RB and DM
  10. I see Bolus from time to time in CT. Will keep an eye out for the light blue one. Should look pretty sharp with the red frame.
  11. Good to see Bolus is back to Mack. They purchased shakers for a while. Heard they had problems with the visions. I guess the shakers didn't work out. Good news for Mack.
  12. looking back in time you can see that the C model was an orphan child. L cab, B fenders, B radiator shutters, B chasis& drivetrain. The only unique thing was the butterfly hood. This was Macks first attempt to compete with the white 9000 with the Acar cabs. It really had a short life kind of like the G model. Rob you definately need one of these. Just wear a football helmet for the frying pan. The way I'd do it is tell Mama that you are going out to pick up a C model and that she should have some pan fried steaks ready when you get back.
  13. Great fathers day present/pictures. Loved seeing the old Macks. The H model with the visor and texas bumper was great. Hated seeing the pacaars except for the bull noses. What is the verdict on the Titan rear end as to manufacturer. That brown and tan cab on the assembly line looks like Manafort colors( construction demolition in ct).Thanks again
  14. I'll have to say being a Mack fan I like them all.
  15. Except that pesky paccar.
  16. Nothing beats a parking lot full of Macks except maybe a junkyard full of free Macks.
  17. Why would clents not want their truck purchases known. They will eventually be seen out working the roads.
  18. From another sight (Hanks) Pitt-Ohio's new pinnacles with MP-7's are averaging 8 miles per gallon. That is am maze ing.
  19. 3P. It would be nice if Roy Earnst could be there that day for an interview. He probably knows Mack history better than just about anybody. My wife and I had him as a tour guide. As I remember he started in the paint booth and worked his way up to management. This WW2 pilot was 85 years old last year when we took the factory tour and he was sharp as a tack. National Geographic ought to do a story on him.
  20. Love those B's with the external radiator and horizontal shutters! What is the drive train setup.
  21. I only see peterbilts and IH's in New England. I would guess all there R models are gone.
  22. Those white flathead gasers were the coolest sounding gas engines I ever heard. They had a really throaty ocilating sound when starting up from a dead stop with a full load. Sounded much better than the Mack gasers. The IH red dimond 450's were a close second. Spector freight out of the midwest had a whole heard of White 3000's with Cummins diesels and the radiators in the back. The good old days when trucks sounded like trucks.
  23. I went to the Brockway web sight and found the seven pictures of the Brockway Superliner. I don't see any resemblance at all to the Mack Superliner except for the CA47 cab. Maybee I am looking at the wrong prototype. I must admit that it seems as though Mack may have pilfered the Superliner name. Then again Mack used the liner term long before Brockway. They used to call the early H models highliners. I think the liner term even preceded freightliner.
  24. Explain how the Superliner started as an idea from Brockway. The picture Iv'e seen of the prototype Brockway looks nothing like the Superliner. Mack already had a long nose conventionals prior to superliner. Aka LT/B-71/73/R-700.
  25. Question. You said you will look through it when you get a chance. Is the public allowed to look through records at the museum?
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