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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Sorry to hear about the news 3P and all the other personnel in Allentown also. Sounds like the people that transfer will just mix into the volvo corporate soup down in NC. Keep your heads up I was able to find a good job at 57 years old after being let go. It won't be easy but hang in there. Maybee it will be a good thing for Mack separating out of NRV. They may be able to keep the Mack identity a little longer. Maybee they are getting ready to spin Mack off. You never know with these last minute announcements. Again good luck to all involved. It can only get better from here. I'll bet the Mack brothers are spinning at 2100 rpm in their graves.
  2. One positive thing about a leaker. You can find your way back home.
  3. I think I like the Aussie line up a tad better than the US lineup. Dump the Pinnacle axle forward and give us the the Trident and Superliner. Add the metro liner to the construction line. Offer Cummins as they do down under.
  4. From the truckworld web site it looks like metro liner is all cummins, trident is mack/volvo, granite is mack/volvo. superliner is all cummins and titan is cummins. Why not cummins for pinnacle AF?
  5. Whats up with the Australian Mack web site. It hasn't changed since last November. They talk about the Metro liner comming in February 2008. It's July. There are no spec sheets for anything. Did the Cavalcade take a wrong turn. Sounds like the Aussies are on a walk about. Or maybee a volvolvian conspiracy.
  6. From the volvo web sight. 1425 Mack deliveries April & 1756 total. 1177 May & 1501 total.
  7. Do you think Pinnacle axle forward is a good model describtion. I think it borders on dumb. Leave the pinnacle name for the axle back but how about a new name for the axle forward. Maybee Superliner again. Why not they still use it in Australia. Also how about the Australian grills as an option for the axle forward.
  8. I've heard on these posts that the U in chu and cxu stood for ultra low sulpher fuel. If I remember right the chu and cxu changed from the chn and cxn in late 2005 or so. Ultra low sulpher fuel didn't start until 2007. Maybee the U stands for upgrade. Maybee someone knows the answer. Just curious.
  9. All I forgot to mention that several of these spec sheets are for discontinued models. These spec sheets would be for spec sheet collectors. There were discontinued CL DM RD and RB sheets. To bad there are no R F G H C B sheets. You'll have to pay for these on e-bay if you can find them.
  10. Mack has some new specification sheets out for vehicles for export. Go to google and type in mack cha148 mack cha149 mack cha150 mack cha151 mack cha152. These 5 spec sheets are for export vehicles granite vision and tera pro. I think these are for South America. You can also get spec sheets for most mack models by going to google type in mack cha093(this will be for the cl703. Between mack cha 093 and mack cha152 you can get most mack spec sheets current and retired. cha stands for chasis. For the collector get them while you can before they are retired. Engines type in mack eng094 thru eng139. Transmissions mack tra052 thru tra072. Front axles fro028 thru 033 rear axle single sin030 thru 031. rear axle tan049 thru 062. Have fun
  11. Found this on a site called bustropolis. Very complicated Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:54 pm Post subject: Who owns Cummins?? You'll be sorry you asked... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Isuzu owned Subaru, and sold out to Fuji Heavy Industries, which was then jointly acquired by British Leyland and Ford. (2) BL & Ford then spun off Fuji/Subaru into an independent company. Big mistake. Ford bought BL, and owned Isuzu outright. Big mistake. (3) Isuzu entered into a joint development partnership with Navistar International. Stock interests were traded. Eventually, one of the projects would be a 7.3L V-8 light-duty diesel. Guess who picked that one up for use in its pickup trucks? (4) Navistar also had entered into a joint development partnership with Caterpillar. One of the projects was a direct injection system that would be picked up by -- Ford. And Isuzu mediums. (5) Caterpillar owned a large chunk of Bosch. GM owned another big chunk. And so did a third major player -- Daimler Benz. Bosch was the primary developer of Caterpillar's direct injection system. But GM forced Caterpillar to turn over its share of Bosch, and then forced Bosch to abandon direct injection in favor of developing an "improved" generation rotary injection pumps. The initial designs for those pumps had been brought to GM by former Isuzu engineers working for Ford. (6) What did Caterpillar receive in return for giving GM its stock in Bosch? GM's stock in Cummins. Ford then sold its small share of Cummins stock because of antitrust regulations in the U.S. Caterpillar, on the other hand, avoided antitrust problems by a joint incorporation agreement with Cummins under a Brazilian operation named Inquardo, Ltd. (7) Eventually almost all Cummins manufacturing and design were moved over to that part of the "house". However, that move proved so efficient and profitable that Cummins began to eat into significant markets for Caterpillar, so Caterpillar merged its manufacturing and design base with Cummins in Brazil, leaving skeleton operations only in places like Peoria, Illinois. Cummins management largely pushed out Caterpillar management after several years. ( With me so far? Caterpillar owns Cummins, but Cummins has effectively "eaten" Caterpillar. In Brazil. Here, they're separate, of course, but it's only the purposes of adhering to American commercial law. But wait. There's more. (9) Ford had some disasterous capitalization-and-flow problems after the overseas buying spree of the early nineties, during which it acquired British Leyland, Isuzu, Fuji, part of Fiat, and parts of other companies. Ford was forced to sell Isuzu to maintain cash flow beyond the U.S. Who did they sell Isuzu to? Navistar International. Along with certain manufacturing and sourcing arrangements. Navistar hoped to go global again, as in the grand old days of International Harvester. (10) But Navistar couldn't hold on to Isuzu either, what with a $2 billion dollar loss in 1995, and eventually sold its controlling interest in the company to Daimler Benz. (11) Isuzu was having its own problems, since its global market share in light and medium diesels was rapidly shrinking. The cause of the problem was Cummins, which, after swallowing Caterpillar - in Brazil - had also acquired NGT, Tapei Technologies, Allison Canada, and Nansen-Renault, all in hostile takeovers, all manufacturers of diesel technologies outside of the U.S. So, Cummins had effectively cornered the controlling share of the global market outside of North America and Western Europe. (Why do you think the splashgate at their website is so heavily global?) (12) After nine months of negotiation, Cummins and its subsidiary, Allison Canada, entered into a joint development arrangement with Isuzu, owned by Daimler, and with the surviving U.S. corporation, Allison, which was at that point partly owned by GM. Cummins, however, dominated the partnership, and eventually managed to assume Daimler's and GM's interests in Isuzu and and Allison. (13) In the case of Isuzu, Cummins has an equal partnership with Daimler, which, of course, has also acquired Chrysler Corporation. That's why, when Ford offered Cummins a billion-dollar package to manfacture medium and light truck diesels for its vehicles in 2001, Cummins said no. Again, for antitrust reasons, a public holding company was set up to handle Isuzu as a separate corporate entity. The name of the company is Benz Transporation Technologies, of San Paulo, Brazil. BTT also is a major owner of the Benz division of Daimler Chrysler, which manufacturers most of the diesel engines in Europe. In the case of Allison, Cummins controls it through a series of holding companies ending with Inquardo, Ltd., the orginal Caterpillar-Cummins creation in Brazil. Cummins also controls a fair-size block of stock in GM, through the ownership of a cartel of South Korean and Thai banks and investment groups. (14) Navistar has continued its free-fall in spite of its partnership with Ford in the light-duty diesel area. Three weeks ago, after the implications of labor troubles, a rise in basic resource costs, and the disasterous introduction of the 6.0L PSD had become clear, Navistar's financial arrangements with Citibank and Manufacturers B&T collapsed. Both banks arranged to float the company infrastructural loans if it would agree to a merger with -- are you ready for this? -- Inquardo, Ltd. As of last Thursday, Cummins owns 67% of Navistar through Inquardo. Right now, Cummins makes all diesels in all pickup trucks sold in the United States. Cummins makes 73% of all diesels in all trucks sold in the world. The board of directors at Inquardo -- which isn't listed on any stock exchange -- includes 9 Cummins execs, 2 Caterpillar execs, and one Wells Fargo Bank exec. The CEO and CFO are also Cummins vice presidents. And there are Cummins execs on the boards of Daimler Chrysler, General Motors, Toyota, and Honda America. Ford, the holdout, has not been doing very well. So it isn't a question of who owns Cummins. It's a question of who Cummins owns, and who's next. Could be Ford. Could be DC. Could be both. Ford Viper, anyone? Mercedes Mustang with a 6.0L Shelby Diesel and a Holset twin turbo? And some have claimed that the new Navistar/Ford 6.0L is Cummins' revenge for the Bosch VP44" _________________ 01 2X4 Cummins 3500 quad 3.55 auto. alarm and remote start. NurfBars, K&N filter. No silencer ring, Dr Performance injectors (65 rwh rated), comp box , Auto meter pyro, fuel, boost, piller pod. Mallery 4150 pump, DTT VB, 97 4x4 cummins 3500 3.55 extended cab auto alarm and remote start. nurfBars, GPS, p3 933 under rear seat, flat panel by ash tray, Autometer trans, Pyro, Boost, Fuel Pressure. 4k gsk, 4" pipe, 370's, K&N Air Charger, no silancer ring, custom #6 cam plate, timing @ 16, DTT Trans, Billet Servos, Billet Input shaft 89% HR TC, luke link 90 RTS http://www.bustropolis.com Back to top
  12. It may mean that long term Cat gobbles up Navistar. CAT could be looking at the Navistar distribution network. At least this would keep Navistar out of the hands of the europians such as Man. No harm meant to the Australians just the Europeons. They own way to much of American Industry. This sounds like it would be big time competition for the construction/logging/oilfield business. This is a real tangled web Navistar-Cat-Cummins-Man-Ford.
  13. That cam wear looks like a surface hardness issue ( metal to metal surfaces require a lubrication film however usualy one surface will be slightly softer than the other so that one surface microscopicaly sacrifices wear metal) or possibly a galvanic corrosion issue where there is chemical interaction between the two surfaces because of the different metals in the steel makeup. Galvanic corrosion is very common where there are different metals in contact. Also it could be that the roller doesn't roll during startup but jams instead. Jamming could be caused by either too little or too much clearance. Too much clearance could cause it to slam to one side and freeze there. Too little clearance could cause a lack of start up lubrication. Improper clearanc/tolerance issues can lead to lack of lubrication. Lube oil metal analysis is in order (ferography) this can indicate the type of wear metal shear/galling/spalling/grinding/cutting etc. Just my little rant. They will probably have to have a Mack engineer figure out the problem for the volvo bumblers.
  14. If the volvo and mack engines are pretty much the same mechanicaly would't the volvo d13 engines have roller rocker arm issues also like the mp8's.
  15. Right on Rob. We still have the Mack name. If you look at it realistically the demise of Mack started with the buy out by the signal companies back in the sixties. They bled them dry and spit them out. Then Renault propped them up and infused some money. Now we have Volvo. Mack spent a lot of effort on the design and engineering side but failed to watch the store on the buisiness side. Crapccar on the other hand paid attention to the buisiness side and they are still in business. Unfortunately or fortunately Volvo is all we have for the present. I think they know the Mack name is a golden egg and I agree with you they don't want to kill it off. As a matter of a fact I don't think they can kill it off. On the other hand the great industrial giant Westinghouse was bought out by CBS (owners of Bevis and Butthead) and they broke up the industrail giant and sold it to the Europeons. Long live the Dog.
  16. Come on fellow Mackians when is the last time you saw a bulldog standing on its hind legs? I don't think you could make that happen even with a dozen pork chops.
  17. PS Forgot to say nice job on the old white. Its to bad most of the old whites went to the crusher. Have a good day!
  18. Most of the white 9000's in the states (pre Autocar cab) had cummins 160/195/220 HP. Most of the 9000's (Autocar cab pre road boss) had cummins 250 HP. Road bosses were mostly Cummins 290 hp, with quite a few v detroits (roadway). 4000's gave you leg room with pretty much the same engine options as the 9000's. It would be nice if somebody bought the White rights from volvo and brought back the White nameplate.
  19. Hey All: Check out the Mack website. They show the new Pinnacle Rawhide. Looks like they got this grill right. Stright across on top. A little wider on the bottom. Kind of like the R & F model westerns and the cruiseliner. All they need now is to follow up with some big power.
  20. Mack3P/Barry What is the chance of bringing back the R model cab as class 5-7 truck. Mack doesn't have a contendor in this range. The design start up cost would be minimal. This would still be a modern looking cab. This would solve the R model cab parts for well into the future. There are after market companies producing R and RD hoods. Maybee I'm nuts but I think this would be a winner.
  21. I saw one for sale last week on the ATHS website for 200,000 dollars. That could by a lot of B and R models.
  22. AussiChris: Just curious are you saying that the volvo D 16 and the cummins signature are the same or similar engines. How are they the same and what is the relationship between Cummins and volvo. Good day
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