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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Lets hope you are right!
  2. Ugly duckling but good news for Mack.
  3. It appears that Traton now owns Navistar Defense. If so the board of directors at Navistar should be charged with treason.😒
  4. Looks like a nice German truck! Certainly covers the bases power wise.
  5. Black and red Ch dump is a looker
  6. I was in the dark also. Still am. May be that's a good thing.
  7. that could be made to look real purdy!
  8. Like the old White 9000 also. Almost as popular as Macks back in the day. Unfortunately most of them got turned into toyotas
  9. Good points Vlad and Kdog.🙂
  10. Can't see why J Hancock was terminated . He is ok in my book.
  11. Swishy you're not going poofy on us are you?
  12. Does anyone have a source of old bulldog magazines other than ebay?
  13. I can see this thread growing and growing.
  14. And then there was one-Paccar. Sic Sic Sic.
  15. Send them back to the fatherland empty handed.
  16. Is UPS still buying Macks? Doesn't seem so.
  17. Great family pictures. That Pacific is a beast. Wish they were still made to give Paccar some competition.
  18. Stork Mack: Sounds like the wiring harness would be an issue although they did have a Cummins specific wiring harness for the MHD small Cummins.
  19. Not as good looking as the Nikola but than again this one will probably hit the road.
  20. Those would look good in the USA and Canada. Come on Hayseed use your pull with Volvo Corporate😄
  21. Hard to believe the tranny and axles can handle the torque.
  22. Sorry to say but that plain jane T-880 looks awful in my opinion. I have seen some T-880 dumps that look decent though. Have fun driving at the mine in the new ride. Must be fun not having to look out for four wheelers.
  23. Classic bad ass R Model. I wonder what the specs are.
  24. Storkmack : May be I should say more granite tractors with Cummins engines Gicknordon: Looks like you found a good Mack spotting location. Keep the pics comming
  25. Would be nice to see a lot more Granite tractors
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