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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. What about hyllion electric repower of semi trucks. Seems promising. I think they are working with Freightliner and others.
  2. That black interior with the red trim is awesome.
  3. I used to love the old White 9000's and Mack B-61's with the horizontal external shutters. Pete needle noses also
  4. Bet she's hauled some cargo in her day👍
  5. Black dog what's the date if you know.
  6. Anybody know when this is going on and if its going on?😗 Our deep state governor might make all the trucks wear grill winter covers.🙂
  7. Seems like a good area to start a Mack thread. Huh!🙂
  8. I sometimes watch truck spotting on you tube. Seems like a lot of CL's left in the midwest. Wisconsin area. Nice gold CL👍
  9. Second generation RD's can be as ugly as sin or real lookers as in the above Sid Kamp. Depends on the external frills.🙂
  10. OHK
  11. I think I remember seeing a picture of a Mack RD 800 or DM 800 with the dump laying over on its side and the cab still sitting upright. Extreme frame twist
  12. Possibility # 1 is a good thing. Possibility #2 is a bad thing. Possibility #3 is a smart thing and good for Cummins also. Possibility #4 is a possibility.🙂
  13. The MHD couldn't work its way down maybe the MD will be able to work its way up.
  14. Wow that combo should be a fuel burner in a cxn unless its set up for construction
  15. And don't forget that the original mack engines were gasers such as those in the Mack Ab's and AC's. I am not sure what their designations were. Before my time but not by much.🙂
  16. Techumsa -Wisconsin and now BS🤥
  17. Ford fusion is a great car. Ford could have this niche to themselves.
  18. Nice truck if you like the feeling of the family jules dragging on the highway.🙂
  19. Can't say I like the Grill but I guess they have to distinguish themselves from Paccar though.
  20. Nice capture Vlad. If you spend a little extra money you can get those pants to reach your shoes.😃
  21. Glad it broke where it did. Its good to keep the B's on the right side of the highway!
  22. Good to hear logtruckerman! Here in the state of Ct they buy wimpy Freightshakers and Navistars. But I guess that's all they need. Never saw an MHD for the state of Ct or a Granite of any type for that matter.'
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