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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. I guess this will kill Mack off in the highly competitive state plow business. Maybe Volvo can slither in instead.
  2. I would guess they would if they could. Olaf of the north must approve. Olaf's long range goal seems to be to replace Mack with Volvo in all areas here in the USA.🤥 I am not sure why Volvo doesn't push their conventionals in Australia to kill off Mack over there.
  3. I'll bet F'n Volvo will have a model to fill the MHD slot just like they filled the heavy haul slot. Seems like Mack is always the whipping boy. Do they ever cut any fat out of the Volvo lineup? Stop buying Volvo's and let them exit the US. The only positive in this long drawn out scenario is that they couldn't kill off Autocar , thanks to the Feds. Diamond-T(bye bye- White road kill)! White (bye bye)! GMC heavy (bye bye) ! White GMC (bye bye)! And Mack is in a paralyzed coma ,all but brain dead , waiting for Volvo to buy coffin nails. Now on the brighter side -Mack employees are still working helping to keep Macungie and Hagerstown alive.
  4. Volvo sure screwed up the Titans potential. But that goes without saying.
  5. Should be seeing the A car conventionals more and more as time goes on.👍
  6. I am sure the DT 466 has more power than the original white flathead or Cummins install
  7. Yes its true the Fed is buying up the economy
  8. Make sure your board of directors has a good Independence Day also. Independent of Germany and Volkswagen
  9. I still can't see why you can't put a big power Cummins under that hood. It looks as long as a CL.😗
  10. I believe the red R is an RD before the RD changeover. Love the RD's with the old style hood.
  11. Dailey used to have a few White 3000's also.
  12. Put four transparent wings on that Scania and you would have a dragon fly.🙂
  13. Nice unit. I wonder how much longer is the hood on the new Granites compared to the original Granites.
  14. Resembles a Pete Bubblenose
  15. Diamond Reo Raider also
  16. Why were the E9's able to pull so well? They were out torqued by the big block Cummins and Cats. Was it RPM's gearing etc.
  17. I was reading Bulldog magazines from 1998 -2001 and I get the impression that every thing was looking up for Mack's future at that time. Mack CL and RD dominated construction. The Mack CH had a redesigned interior and was selling well in highway applications. The Vision was off to a good start. The CL had the big power Cummins option and was competitive in heavy haul. Mack had a good presence in class in class 6 & 7 with the MS and CS. Mack MR and LE were dominant in the refuse industry. Then in June of 2001 bam Volvo bought Renault. Mack executives gave no hint of the trouble ahead (Vickner/Gigou) . The years prior to this they painted a rosy picture. Mack was a sitting duck by allowing Renault to have controlling interest. Volvo got a package deal (Mack & Mack dealerships) in buying Renault. Mack died in 2001 as the last of the Mack engineered vehicles (Granite) hit the streets. Under the Volvo tutelage the following Mack products have died, front discharge mixer, marine and industrial engines, Mack engines I6 and V8, manual transmissions, mack chassis , Mack heavy haul product, Mack Titan and many Mack dealerships now dominated by Volvo. Volvo screwed up White , Diamond-T/Reo, GMC and now Mack.
  18. Mack will jump in and fill that market hole. Ha Ha Ha
  19. Out east here in Connecticut in the last twenty years I have seen about five granite tractors. There are more around the Boston area.
  20. I know they are few and far between but more Granite tractor please. Why so few I have no clue. I would guess they could be speced light like a Pinnacle axle foeward. Not enough of these out there either.
  21. This site has a super assortment of used Mack dump trucks (Good news) (Bad news) They were probably traded in on for Paccars.
  22. Those are some kick ass toggle switches!
  23. When I was a kid back in Illinois Material Service used to run red and yellow White 9000 coup cab mixers out of that giant quarry by the Chicago Interstate.
  24. First gear makes many models of by gone fleets using R models as subjects. I may be wrong but I think many of these fleets never had R models such as PIE Preston Campbells transcon etc. I may be wrong. I am especially curious about Transcon and the R model. I know they had Wilson U models. I read on facebook that Transcon had R models with Cummins 903's. Speaking of the 903's why weren't they ever turbo charged.
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