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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Hey Volvo. How about making Mack Great Again. Drop the Pinnacle and bring back the Superliner with big power option! Paccar has no competition. Volvo you could make a killing.
  2. Is Arute still around. They used to have a yard in Cromwell
  3. The last years of those DM's, RD's and Rb's can be hidden gems as you know Ed.
  4. Freightliner is set to launch a pick up. No photos yet. A classic style would be nice. Mack should make an R model pickup. I would sign up. Then again maybe not if the price is anything like an MD.
  5. What ever happened to that upstart truck company called Diamond from about ten years ago.I think they had another name also. T brand maybe.
  6. So UPS is buying some new Macks! Anthems I suppose. How many?
  7. Mack could only dream about making such a truck!
  8. See Heavy Duty Trucking Magazine for the new 3 plus million dollar rennovations to the Mack Experience Center in Allentown PA. Includes display upgrades with emphasis on Mack MD, Anthem and MR/LE cabovers. Test track upgrades are also mentioned.🙂
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  9. Nice! Interesting exhaust manifold.
  10. I forgot my password on JOT. I hit the reset password and I never have gotten a response in over two years.
  11. Volvo bought Terex's off road. Terex an American company still owns Advance mixers from what I can gather.
  12. So who owns Terex now America or Europe?
  13. Volvo owns Terex off road machinery( now called Rokpac I believe). But I am not sure if they own Advance concrete mixer trucks built in Indiana. Hard to keep track of all of this heavy machinery ownership.😀
  14. How was the B421 and 422 different from the B42?
  15. What corections were made to the 711 to address its short comings and was it eventualy a good engine. After market turbos gave it how much HP
  16. Jamaica bulldog-Saw a you tube video of the new electric MD (I guess this is the new Mack announcement) Doesn't look bad with the copper bulldog and copper Mack grill logo. Also Jamaica- on you tube they have some videos of over loaded dump trucks in Jaimaca. Load them until the gravel spills over the sides of the dump. There must be a lot of broken frames. A few Macks are shown but mainly Internationals. I guess internationals are big i Jamaica. Many Eagles ex road tractors with sleepers in the dump business.
  17. No chance of ever getting this back on subject whatever that was.😛😄
  18. Those stainless grill surrounds look pretty nice.
  19. E-7 400 good engine!
  20. Rainey's has plenty of grill options
  21. Just looked at Raney's and they have different CH Grills and SS grill surrounds thay give the CH grill that square look.
  22. Can,t you get that square Pinnacle grill at Rainies? Put this in the wrong thread!
  23. Styling change! You mean the new bowtie, dog bone grill and inferior interior to the Rawhide option. As stated a new longer hood, big bore and bigger cooling system- now thats a change. Come on Corporate Mack-get some (Zern Hanson balls) and get tough with the Swven overlords. Design a new Mack conventional on your own and sell it to Volvo. Real Mack change would add to the Volvo bottom line. Volvo is really clueless when it comes to designing an American conventional aka KW, Pete, Star, Freightliner and IH/Volkswagon. And maybee Acar in the future. Take the Volvo 880 for example. Talk about disappearing with its tail between its legs.
  24. Paccar has it down pat. New Superliner would qualify.
  25. F model was just an N model growed taller. I feel the Bud cab influenced the F model. Look at the window area. Kind of like the Diamond-T Emeryville similarities.
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