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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. The automotive filter manufactures and HVAC filter manufacturers should be able to produce M-95's as a sideline without to much difficulty.
  2. Great tutorial on the F's. I wonder what the R model would have looked like with the L cab or CH cab
  3. I am not sure the American industry could get up to speed as they did in WW2 for a new all out conflict.
  4. Mack was strong in Ct back then. Not as much now. Those early DM 600's sure had cramped wheel bases. Although on the Gateway Terminal website I did see a new Mack Granite #68 I believe. I think Gateway has new ownership. May bee some renewed interest in Mack.
  5. You go Gunner!
  6. Pro abortion and anti gun means no F'n way IMHO.
  7. Yeah the H-67 had to use up all the G model fenders and lights
  8. If Mack can't build them at least Eaton can.
  9. I hope Navistar defense doesn't go to VW😟
  10. Nice. Looks like the melding of the MR and LE
  11. 225 MH looks do able. I wonder if its mostly there.
  12. Has any one ever made an axle forward out of a CL. I wonder what it would look like. Axle forward CL with big power would be sweet.
  13. Well here I go down the rabbit hole-What is the power plant and tranny.🙂
  14. That would be an interesting thread.
  15. This thread took a turn down a rabbit hole.🙂
  16. Toilet paper is a highly nutritious plant based product that is high in fiber and low in fats and gluten free. When I was a kid I used to eat bread and gravy may bee a better alternative would have been tp and gravy.
  17. Is that a 673C engine? How would it compare to a 237 maxi?
  18. I posted a couple of photos from this web site to Pinterest. Is this ok? I guess I should have found out first.😦
  19. Would a shot of grease a day be advisable?
  20. The goal of the DMV is to make things as complicated and F'd up as possible. Maybe Black dog or Patiamdboss can help.🙂
  21. Axle forward VHD looks pretty sharp. Doesn't seem like much has changed.
  22. Mack salesmen have the sniffles so they stayed home. What is the matter with Daimler don't they realize that they could blamed for the C virus spread. Well I guess somebody has to make the world go round.🙂
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