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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Jam Bulldog: Greetings, They don't just become fodder for the European globalists by accident. The board of directors vote on it and the CEO rubber stamps it. US industry pays more attention to the shareholders than the long range good of the American Industry. Too bad' more US capital doesn't step up to the plate and invest in our industrial base.
  2. after Brexit the UK needs a little business.
  3. Why did Volvo lead with the Mack as a medium duty entry. Why not Volvo? I think they are testing the waters with Mack in case it flops. Don't see why it should though.
  4. Good point Vlad. Probably would be hauled by a hotshot or blinged out Paccar in today's world.
  5. F***in A Awful. A word to the board of directors at Navistar. Stiffin up those rubbery spines and get some balls!!! Skeeru the share holders. You might be eligible for a government bail out like GM and Chrysler seeing that you are a US defense industry supplier. Enough of this European raiding of our industries.
  6. KS: I know a Roadway driver from the Mack era and he says they did have Mack's with Mack power during the R/U era. I am not sure how many. Obviously they had Mack power on the B's and H's. Not sure about the Mack F's and not sure if Roadway ran maxidynes. Roadway was all over the place as far as vendor model engines. Mack Cummins Detroit. Transmissions may have been more standardized.
  7. Maybe it will generate some dollars for a new USA Superliner with big power for heavy haul/lowboy/dump trailer/ Logging etc. Needs a few chrome accessories. I like the cab and bumper, grill not so much. Need to get rid of that hideous bow tie on all of their vehicles and give the long proven vertical or horizontal grill as an option.
  8. Benhoff looks like they could have given Orville/Coachlight a run for the money. Not impressed with Orvilles delivery vehicles to the Mack factory.
  9. Which Mack CH's and CHU's were the best years. What were the major differences between the AF CH and the AF CHU.
  10. The reason you see so many similarities in cabs from these times was that orville was the cab maker for many manufacturers such as Mack, IH, Studebaker, White, Ford. Look at the similarities to cabs used by Mack B, IH KB, Studebaker and Reo. Integral sleeper cabs on Mack l &B, White and Ford. Window similarities on the Mack A and the White coup cab. Exceptions were the Autocar drivers cab and IH's comfort cab. These IH cabs were used on Available , IH, Hendrickson, FWD, Sicard and Diamond T. I believe I read somewhere that The comfort cab was made by a company in Chicago called Chicago cab. There sure is a lot to this truckers hobby.😐
  11. And most importantly many more to come.
  12. I used to call them night riders. When the fleets came out at night the F models were leading the pack.
  13. The hard nose and the H cab make that L an awesome combo I believe the green one stands a little taller than the red one. If you look up Mack trucks on you tube you will come across a Black and green one with a short video. I don't think it is the same black and green one as above. For some reason I think that Lj looks better than the LT's. That set back axle gives it an Autocarish look.
  14. Vlad that's a spittin image. What a beautiful L. What is the model?
  15. While traversing through Mack trucks on you tube I came across my new favorite old time Mack It was a green and black L model of some sort. It was an integral sleeper (looked like an H model cab with an L model set back axle. The truck had the external radiator similar to a needle nose Pete. After seeing this truck it seems to me that Mack should have continued using the L cab rather than introducing the B model small cab. I would guess Mr. Hancock has a picture of one of these.This could have been made with the B model front end or kept as an axle back L model. What a gorgous set up this was.
  16. Or more importantly paying for mistakes made on purpose such as Communists/Globalists festering in the deep state.
  17. CL the last of the Mack heavy hauls except a few Titans.
  18. Volvo tells Mack when to hop and Mack says how high.
  19. Nice catch. Are you saying there are only 2 surviving AP's from the Hoover dam or were only 2 AP's used at the dam. I would have thought that there would have been alot more than 2.
  20. Nice street where is that?
  21. Now all they have to do is purty that ugly pug up a bit.
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