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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Blackdog good to have you on this thread as a Connecticut Mack historian.
  2. Lots of frame spread. To bad its not a 700. Might be worth it for the engine.
  3. Yes IMO Hayward was a good design team for Mack. More of their styling ideas should have spread east to Macungie. As KS says the west coast problem was they just couldn't get the west coast workers (California) to build a quality product. Pete found this out later on and moved to Texas. I agree with Whiskey it was probably a Hayward design. It had to be in development at Hayward for sometime as it came out to closely to Brockways demise.
  4. Whiskey Mack: You make some interesting points. Mack was all over the place with so many models. Mack should have used standardization more to cut costs. I think they tried to use up parts and pieces until they ran out. Look at the C model with L cab and B model fenders as the U and R models were about to come out. I think Mack should have kept the Western R model design and dropped the Eastern design. As far as the Superliner origin goes Jakes chrome shop on you tube has a video on 10 things you didn't know about the Superliner. They seem to buy the line that it was a Brockway concept. Brockway closed down in 1977 and the Superliner came out in 1977. Seems to me that it was more of a Mack origin than Brockway. IMHO☺️
  5. 650,000 pounds at 48 mph- Stay out of the way.
  6. If the Brockway prototype was going to be called Superliner the only thing Mack stole (used) was the name. The prototype and the Superliner looked nothing alike except for the cab. The Brockway prototype looks more like a Diamond Reo Raider if anything. My opinion only.
  7. Can't blame Volvo, can't blame Renault, can't blame Signal but you can blame the Mack board of directors. Nearsighted and gutless, they took the easy way out. White went bankrupt fair and square though totally reckless ruining White, Reo, Sterling, Diamond-T, Euclid, and Autocar almost.
  8. I guess if you are half nuts and living on the edge it pays to be in a 8x8 Scania. Some of that video looks like you should be driving down hill in reverse.
  9. I am guessing the Mack salesmen don't want to be bothered unless you pay them up front. They don't want to go through the effort if you are just shopping around. At a multi dealership sales people will push what they can make the most money on. They may have better incentives to sell other manufacturers products. Any Mack sales people out there with additional info.?
  10. I believe the H-61's had some steering linkage issues being so tall. This was corrected with the H-63 I believe. The H-61 may have been tall to accommodate the Cummins engine. Other trucks of that era were also tall such as KW bullnose, Pete bubblenose, and IH Hi binders.
  11. So what should one buy?
  12. Volvo- sell Mack and leave the USA altogether. The only smart move you've made is selling Autocar and that was government mandated.
  13. I like the new Anthem fenders but not a fan of the new grill. I think the grill would look much better with horizontal chrome bars with or without the Mack logo. That plastic looking black screen mesh just doesn't cut it IMHO
  14. Thanks for sharing. The first RD talks about being engineered by Mack. About the only thing Mack can engineer now is " Mother may I to Volvo". I think I saw on here that the Mack CL 350 was built heavier than the Hayes' and Pacifics' I thought the Mack CL was derived from the Hayes.
  15. Good point keep UD out of Chinese hands. Now all we have to do is rescue Mack. President Trump "Make Mack great again".
  16. Rob: Silly me I forgot about the air.
  17. cPaccar is still in attack mode. KW and Pete are neck and neck. Interesting. Mack is up from 5 % to 6.4% market share probably due to the Navistar dive. Navistar is ready for a VW fire sale.
  18. I thought the Maxidyne setup poured more fuel in at lower rpm. Adjusting the fuel would seem to increase torque but not HP. I may be wrong.
  19. Bullheaded you hit it right on the head. What Mack customers want is options like big bore etc. etc. not dumb as all black Anthems.
  20. Neat remote control haul trucks.
  21. Ironically though isn't Volvo now run by an ex Scania executive? I thought maybe he might knock some sense into them.
  22. Saw on you tube that the Mack truck modification center has been shutdown. Where are the mods done now?
  23. How much?
  24. At the same time almost every other fleet was trying to standardize.
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