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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Hardly seems to be a medium duty truck with 400HP and a drive train that can handle 2000 lb feet of torque
  2. If they do I'm sure it will have a Volvo badge on the front
  3. KS: I saw a picture of a Scania cab over from the 70's or 80's and it had a long horizontal grill just like the MH, and it looked like the MH in the window area also. Were Mack and Scania working together on the MH design? Sure wish Mack had been bought by Scania. Not sure if I like VW though with there claws in Navistar. Can't blame VW they just do what European money does. I do not trust American boards of directors any more than the Chinese at this stage. Although China aquisitions of Globalist companies can't be all that bad. One evil eating another evil. Go Trump.
  4. Ford class 8 would be nice. Ford is wise to diversify. If you look back in American truck manufacturing history of the 70's through the 90's. class 8 sales in the US turned over big time. IH went bankrupt and became Navistar. White went bankrupt and Volvo sucked them up. Mack through Signal let Renault have controlling interest and then Volvo got the prize. GM went in bed with Volvo and then pulled out. Freightliner, Western Star and Detroit were were gobbled up by Daimler. I am not sure how Daimler got Sterling from Volvo but Ford class 8 became Sterling. Paccar was the only manufacturer to survive (Navistar and Oskosh excluded) primarily because they didn't over extend themselves and were diversified in other areas other than automotive. Ford would be wise to diversify in other profitable enterprises and get that languishing stock price up.
  5. Will not be buying any Chrysler products any time soon.
  6. KS: Not to be nosy but are you at Autocar now and back in the USA?
  7. Volvo is not going to put up with any union BS. They will use options at hand.
  8. Looks like some older equipment and parts. About 4 RD 800's in various configurations Log pickers etc. I don't see any of the newer logging tractors on the block.
  9. So anybody have any idea where the pictures are domiciled.?
  10. Its crazy how many White fleet trucks were on the road and how few are left.
  11. Mack doesn't seem to be able to push into the west coast market from PA. Maybe a west coast plant would be a good idea. Can't profess to be an expert on that. They retreated from there once. Texas might be a good option. Just ask Peterbuilt. Buckner seems to sell Macks well. You would think Volvo would go west before Mack.
  12. I guess if truck photographers don't want to cash in that is their business. I don't get the point of keeping all this truck history to themselves though. Its kind of like when you were young -I am going to take my bat and ball and go home. Everyone loses.
  13. Wise up union brothers. Make your wishes known. But they know how to move or close shop and they can and will if necessary. Let history be your guide. You will be out of a job and your upper union bosses not the reps will get their cut.
  14. How does one become a select few? Dollars? Signing an agreement? I am interested in this hobby being a truck nut for about 70 years.
  15. Hanks truck pictures has disappeared. I guess it was overwhelming to keep track of the website and there was a lot of hacking and virus activity going on. My question is where are all of the truck pictures domiciled. There were hundreds of photo input personnel and thousands of pictures. Are these all the property of Hank Jr? Seems like the photo contributors would have some input as to where their photo contributions should have gone. A few can be found on sites such as Photo bucket and facebook. Truck enthusiasts have suffered a great loss by no longer having these historic truck and fleet pictures available. I am sure people would pay to have access again.
  16. Single axle tractors were the norm back in the day
  17. Looks like nice clean lines.
  18. Glad to see they are still in operation.
  19. Nice Sunday drive.
  20. KS: For a while I thought you worked for Paccar after Mack. Then you popped up in Aussie land as a Scania man. Now you sound like an A-car man. Not a bad choice no matter what. Looks like the sky is the limit for A-car. Now only if we can keep those greedy foreign fingers out of the A-car pie.
  21. I can see Western Star passing Mack in the future with their can do attitude and Daimler deep pockets.
  22. luv that style front bumper.
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