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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Sweet heavy haul. Heavy haul no mo.
  2. Looks like the 2 cycle opposed piston diesel/gas engine is for real. Achates power is teaming up with Ford, Cummins, DOE and Fairbanks Morse. They have an F-150 with a 3 cylinder six piston diesel on display. It sounds a lot like a 2 cycle Detroit. Cummins is building an opposed piston in conjunction with Achates for the Bradley fighting vehicle and potential tank engine. Fairbanks Morse has teamed up with Achates to improve its 12 cylinder Marine and Stationary engine. (5000HP). Thermal efficiencies of almost 50% are expected due to less heat loss to the coolant. Sounds like exciting times. May bee KS can shed some light on this venture.
  3. 69 era R model was the standard White/IH/GMC/Ford killer of the time.
  4. Looks like alot of birch trees in Russia.
  5. Was that a good engine? How come the 707 never got used more except for fire service.?
  6. Great story Vlad and great find on the MH. Your English is better than mine now. I see you drive on the right side of the road in Russia.
  7. Interesting Allison over M-Drive. Nice looking paint scheme.
  8. Will an electric Anthem follow? If not Volvo will be putting the squeeze on Mack regional and bulk haul.
  9. Real nice. What year did the Granite get the longer hood?
  10. Gee how did my tow hitch get bent and my springs come up through the bed and all of my tires are flat?
  11. Throw some crumbs to Mack while you are at it. Some Mack engineering crumbs are long overdue.
  12. Thanks for the Wolfmeyer working dogs. They are awesome. I wonder if they have any old dogs for sale. Google maps shows a lot of Mack iron in a small area. Superliners, R's and CH's
  13. That shouldn't be hard to find. Is that an 864 V8?
  14. Thats an ex Celli trucking B. They had A"s B's R's G's F's and CH's. May bee a vision or 2. They were a major contributor to the Chicago area interstate system build. Look up Celli on this sight and you will get an eye full of green and grey Macks. 57BCR on this sight new Mr. Celli. Nice catch. Probably one of the last Celli B's around.
  15. Is there a Scania V8 option in Navistars future?
  16. Actually saltines may have been a better choice for cab material. They must have been light weight.
  17. Trip on I 395 and I 495. Noticed a lot more IH's on the road of the LT variety. Cutting into Freight shacker's dominance. Mack presence in bulk haul was quite noticeable. Saw quite a few Mack Pinnacle axle forwards more than Western Star and Kenworth. Peterbilt is still dominant. The only Mack Anthems I saw were for the Market basket food group. Mack granite and Paccar 880 & 357 seemed to be split about 50-50 Saw more Mack LE and MR's than Pete 320's. This was a totally scientific observation. Ha Ha.
  18. S Screamin Jimmy
  19. Is that Bernie Sanders opening the passenger door. Looking for the solar /wind engine.
  20. I used to to that when I was 9 years old I could do Detroit, Mack and Cummins,☺️
  21. What was the new truck and why no lika?
  22. Don't you get it union members-Management is not kidding when they say they are going to close shop. They have been doing it for the last 50 years and they are good at it. They will take what is left of the assets and you are out of a job. Be reasonable with your requests (not demands). Live to fight another day.
  23. White Motor lost a lot of momentum when they bought Reo. They were after the Reo v-8 gas pot when every body else was going diesel. Remember the giesel not a popular household word in the truck world. This concept might make a come back in today's EPA pollution control environment.
  24. I used to see R and U models in Ct. right up to the end.
  25. Some on here want to keep this location secret. I can't say I blame them. I saw it on google maps from a clue on this thread which has since diserpeard. The authors have the right to edit. I don't think anyone would object to your doing some old fashion detective work looking at truck salvage yards around Allentown or Macungie. That's all I have to say about that and I hope I didn't step on anybodies toes.
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