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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Wow those videos would take up Volvo's whole Mack budget for a year.
  2. That's funny
  3. What about Mack Trident?
  4. There are many vision and CH dump trucks in various parts of the country. Generally they are lighter speced and not as pricey as RD's CL's DM's and granites. They were fairly popular in farm country and out west. Generally you might say they were the for runners of the MHD. Most were 12k fronts 38 rears and lighter frames. There may have been a 44k rear option on some. You don't see many of them out east. I never saw one with planetary rears.
  5. So now that the Rawhide is gone does Mack offer anything approaching a premium interior?
  6. I think a ten year old art student could come up with a better design with a crayon on the back of an envelope. When they can't compete with Paccar in heavy haul and construction they come up with this crap. Surely a Mack killer of the first order.
  7. Can anyone say Renault? Where are they being built?
  8. Best looking COE currently being made IMHO
  9. Good advice Terry.
  10. Kevin: Are you feeling alright? You didn't fall down and hit your head did you? Logtruckman we will stay tuned. Definitely not Mack looking. Give us some Aussie trucks not Europeon ones.
  11. Perhaps Ford is paying for the sins of Henry with the Nazis during WW2.
  12. Would be worth little more with a Lund visor
  13. If Ford wants to get back into the heavy truck business in the US- buy Mack from Volvo.
  14. Careful what you wish for Dems. Trump may appoint someone you dislike even more.
  15. Is UPS/ABF buying any Anthems diesel or gas?
  16. Les: If you have any pictures of Celli or Bulkmatic Mack's please post. 57 BCR probably knows about Mr. Celli but I believe he passed away.
  17. Superdog: That seems likely or it could have been a 673
  18. Navistar is in the VW quick sand.
  19. Back to the railroads as a hobby.
  20. As Mr. Karbel would say that sounds like the Hayward Mack western plant.
  21. Saw on face book today under F Model Mack's that the first F model was an F-715 with a 255 hp Mack V-8 and a 20speed triplex.
  22. I never looked at those Hake Eucs closely. I thought they were Mack L's. Same cab and horizontal grill. Black dog you are funny. I'll have to go down in the cellar and see if I have some extra tissue paper. Swishy turn that perv picture upside down and you have a guy with big gahunas and a funnel hat.
  23. Whirlpool truck on the way?
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